Ah, cute kids and odd words - a favorite combination.
My son, when he was very young - two or even younger - produced these treasures: zreeba (zebra), ee-plasket (elastic), moogitz (music). By the age of three, he was using long words like "expensive" correctly and with ease.
The neologisms began when he was about ten and haven't stopped: the only one that stuck is "zappareenies" for general zaniness. As an adult he'll just throw words together or pick one out at random for commentary. A few weeks ago he used "Naked?" as a telephone greeting. When a friend commented on the local bar scene, "Everyone's fat and angry", he replied, "Well, let's go out and get us some fat-angry!" He used to address one of his girlfriends as "pumpkinfish."
My daughter kept up the infant neologisms a little longer: knifeses, die-sorn (dinosaur), inch-a-lation (insulation) were coined sometime before the age of four. There weren't many others. She does tend to use "cabbage" as a greeting, though. She's 20 now.
edited to increase fact content