Toothpick skinny or the real thing?

by Stefanie 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    While Anna Nicole does look better than her previously bloated self, she is in no stretch of the imagination "in shape". She used some diet pill or fad diet to drop the weight so look for her to puff up again soon. It doesn't work permanently unless you change your lifestyle to include a healthy diet combined with exercise.

    I resemble that remark!!! Speaking from experience, you are so right. I've lived that one.

  • Princess
    I thought she was beautiful the way she was.

    I think she looked incredibly unhealthy and always had a real bloated look. She was obese and is still overweight. She looks better but I object to Dan-o's comment about her being in better "shape". She is not in shape. She used an unhealthy method of weight loss and I assure you it's temporary unless she changes her lifestyle.

    I don't think I'm going to be judged or valued by how "in shape" I am. I am going to live my life to the best of my ability and that means I will take care of myself, eat well and exercise so I can be in good shape all my life. What's so bad about that? I'm setting an example for my children. They won't see me dieting but rather using good judgement when it comes to my eating habits and exercise. I don't want them to be among the growing population of obese children who will grow into obese adults.

    Being overweight and secure with it is fine but you have to admit, it's unhealthy and ultimately you will have to pay some consequences.

    My husband would not say a word if I gained weight. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in right now and I can tell he likes my body more this way. Nothing secure or insecure about it. To suggest otherwise is an insult to a sixteen year marriage.

    Say, "Hell no! We ain't gonna take it anymore! Value me for me."

    Absolutely, but be healthy. So many people give in to an unhealthy lifestyle and adopt that very same attitude. Many people look at my body and don't value me for me. I get treated poorly by some of the less fit moms at school. Women at the gym avoid me and men gawk. Should I say f*ck it and gain twenty pounds because they aren't valuing me?

  • frankiespeakin


    Women at the gym avoid me and men gawk. Should I say f*ck it and gain twenty pounds because they aren't valuing me?

    You should not let other people small mindedness make you do harmful things. You keep taking good care of yourself guilt free!!!

  • Mulan
    I still say you are far better off with a mate who is going to love you no matter how out of shape or disfigured you are. Living with someone who expects physical perfection is misery. It's also not very secure. Society and the media train you to see a very narrow view of what is beautiful. That is if you allow them to. Say, "Hell no! We ain't gonna take it anymore! Value me for me."

    There is some truth in what you say. One of my closest friends has a husband who is very fit and works out several days a week. She has fought her weight as long as I've known her (33 years) and he is never happy with how she looks, and closely monitors everything she eats when he is around. I would NOT live like that.

    My husband loves me for me, and is only unhappy about my weight when I am unhappy about it. Truthfully, I think he would be happier if I quit dieting and just cooked and ate with him, and didn't feel guilty eating the things he eats. I've tried being satisfied being overweight, and it just is not acceptable. Unfortunately, I have dieted all of my adult life, and my metabolism just isn't working right now. The weight is so hard to get off anymore. It's slow but maybe it will stay off if I keep working out.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    As a public service? to Eyedrevil:

    Big Bottom LyricsThe bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
    That's what I said
    The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
    Or so I have read

    My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
    I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

    Big bottom, big bottom
    Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
    Big bottom drive me out of my mind
    How could I leave this behind?

    I met her on Monday, twas my lucky bun day
    You know what I mean
    I love her each weekday, each velvety cheek day
    You know what I mean

    My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights
    Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah

    Big bottom, big bottom
    Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em
    Big bottom drive me out of my mind
    How could I leave this behind?

    - - - - - - -

    I'll go on record as being pro Anna Nicole - I think she looks great after her recent weight loss.

    That diet pill, by the way, is mostly a bulking agent called glucomannan which is WAY less expensive if it is bought generically. The glucomannan is fiber, and 3 -4 grams (dry) provide a feeling of fullness when consumed with a couple glasses of water about 1/2 hour prior to a meal.

    I'm not sure I could handle Anna Nicole's whiney personality over the long term, and I'd probably have my food checked for thallium before I ate anything she cooked.

  • Princess

    Thanks Frankie, I don't feel guilty about it. I just wanted to show how it works both ways. Overweight women scream "value me for me" but on the other hand, those of us who are fit have the same problem so I don't think it's a valid excuse.

    One of my closest friends has a husband who is very fit and works out several days a week. She has fought her weight as long as I've known her (33 years) and he is never happy with how she looks, and closely monitors everything she eats when he is around. I would NOT live like that.

    I forgot about her. It's a sad situation and there is no excuse for his behaviour. They are both miserable because of it. She doesn't help things by pseudo dieting and sabotaging her efforts constantly. She needs to take a stand either way.

  • Xena

    I think women in general tend to occasionally get fed up with being judged based on their fat, to tall, to short...boobs to big,to small....the constant battle to stay young fit and attractive gets old sometimes and you just wish someone would love you for the person inside the package.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    aahhhhh Xena.... easy to say when you're neither too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, boobs too big, or too small....... and just perfect as far as everyone else is concerned :) *muah*

  • ohiocowboy

    Personally, I prefer meat on the bones. Too skinny, and I fear they may break, or snap like a twig. I believe in the "more to love", "more cushion for the pushin" philosophy. Fat Woman 3

  • Valis

    I love all the womenz.....


    District Overbeer of the "Equal Opportunity Manwhore.." class

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