whiskey and coke..............is great.........whiskey and 7-up is also great........and if you are outta coke and 7-up...orange juice and Whiskey are great.....
Blecch! Whiskey is meant to be consumed neat. Toss in a couple of ice cubes if you must.
And for what it's worth, I live near Ft. Wayne.
i'm about to go drink me some liquid hate...you guys call it jagermeister....An x-jw walks into a bar & orders a shot of jagermeister. Then he orders another. And then orders a third one. After he slams down the third shot, the bartender asks "What are you celebrating tonight?" The guy says "My first blowjob." The bartender says "Well, then ... that is something to celebrate! Here ... I'll buy you another." The x-jw says "No, thanks. If three shots of jagermeister didn't get rid of the taste, I doubt a fourth one will do any good."