Few Black/African people on this board

by Joker10 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Hey Ex D! Nice to see your face on the board today..

    I was thinking too... I can count several members from the board here that are black, but just didn't chose to post on either of the recent racial topics, so one can't assume just because you start a thread about race, especially if targeted to one specific race, that you will get those you are asking to respond, to do so....

    I usually end up commenting in the racial threads simply because I get on my soap box if there is any kind of predjudice going on...

  • Sunnygal41

    Now, seriously, I'm native american too, and proud of it, but, it really doesn't matter here, as far as I can ascertain...........neither does your country of origin for that matter.........

    Terri, of the native american nipple tweaking class...............

  • Ex Dub MS
    Ex Dub MS

    My parents began studying when I was four and both were baptized by the time I was five.

    Polish brothers and sisters helped her bring the four of us sibs to meetings, invited us over for dinner and their kids played with us. It was as color-blind an existence as you could imagine...and this was in a city with riots and racial tensions in the not-so-distant past.

    A high-ranking WTS official of mixed race was sent to resolve some serious elder body issues in the mid 70s. We played b-ball in the yard with the black DO who married my sister and her first husband.

    Race issues? Where? Not where I grew up.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I wanted to reply on this thread yesterday, but then decided not to. What I feel is interesting is Joker10 hasn't replied to all the people asking him/her to clarify... just left the question and the thread hanging there.

    Where is joker10?

  • willyloman
    Polish brothers and sisters helped her bring the four of us sibs to meetings, invited us over for dinner and their kids played with us.

    I'm proud to be Poelisch Pollich Pollish Polish!

  • Sassy

    I agree itsallgood. Both threads he started on race, there was something about just the way it was presented..

    I would be interested to know the intentions of these threads..

    The one thing I have to say.. whether there was a background of some predjudice back in the early days of the WTS......... most of us were raised up around an organization which at least preached that the God we were serving was impartial. One of the most positive experiences I have had while a JW, was attending the conventions and looking around and seeing not only an beautiful array of different colored dresses and suits.. as well as the variety of handsome people in those outfits.. To see all of the people visiting with ones in nearby rows of ones they have perhaps never even met from other races.. even the interractial marriage which is quite common as well ... That to me was a huge draw to be a witness. When I went out in the "world" my dad lived in with no religion, I heard his friends and their attitudes.. that was ugly to me.. when I was at the KH I never had to wonder if someone told a joke if it was going to be a racial slam..

    I think one of the nice things about most of us here.. few of us are racially predjudice from what I have noticed at any rate.. would we all be that way if we had never been JWs? I don't know.. maybe..

  • LyinEyes

    Flower said:

    Right now I get a phone call from my mom every few weeks and I'm not willing to give that up to go marching around the conventions with a 'jah sucks' banner.

    hehe, that just made me laugh ,,,,,,,I can picture Flower with a banner........" Jah sucks"!!!

  • Sabine

    ExDubMS growing up I was the all white congregation's pet young black sister, they all just loved me...until the white PO's son and I got engaged. I soon found out they loved having me in their car groups, the just didn't want any nappy headed grandkids in their family pictures. I can almost laugh about the reaction we got now, I'm over it and I'll be married 30 years in a few months so it's all good. This was in the 70's, and it was so devastating to me since I had no family in the religion to lean on. I know it's an isolated case, but that was my experience. This ex-missionary PO never had a change of heart either, he still preferred his disfellowshiped kid's grandchildren to our pioneer daughter till the day he died...

    Anyway, sometimes I think JWs are okay with blacks/hispanics as long as they stay in their place, i.e. not dating my kid, sometimes that's when their true feelings come out.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Sabine, yes, I know what you mean. When I was younger, my dad made sure I never got too close to black guys, and even hispanics. And now my brother wants to marry a hispanic girl and it's a big issue with the parents. Where is the love? It's all so 1950s. I think it's changing, ever so slowly, though.

  • LyinEyes
    Anyway, sometimes I think JWs are okay with blacks/hispanics as long as they stay in their place, i.e. not dating my kid, sometimes that's when their true feelings come out.

    I totally agree with this,,,,,,, at least in the area I am from. I can pick up on any little thing , a eye roll, an ever so slight frown, and I saw it many times with at least one of the elders in the last congregation I went to. His parents were the same way. They did just as you said, they took the young black sistes in , made over them, but when one started getting interested in their son,,,,,,,,you didnt see that young sister in their car group anymore, or at their parties. They lived in a town up the road for us, that is very racial , ( it is almost all white in town, not so in the town above this town , or below, my town) they are so racial they will not advertise their homes to be sold or rented because they will not rent to a black family, or sell, even if they would their neighbors would cause so much trouble. I used to get very angry while out in service in this territory, because they acted like any black person that came to their house was going to steal their car or something, calling the law for us just being on the street. They were so bold as to say they didnt think that whites and black should hang out together. I just dont get it, and it is embarassing to live so close to such bigots.

    It was even worse to see these attitudes come over into the congregation, I just could not respect that elder for the way he looked down on others. He was quick to say who was "white trash" as well.

    I am glad that my son chose not to go to that school for that very reason.

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