I now have this on my hard drive so if anybody needs any information please ask and I will see what I can do
WT Library 2003 CD-ROM
by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
I will do my best to put on line in the next 7 days or so -- I will; credit the WTBTS to avoid running foul of copywrite laws
<< Does someone have bandwidth to host the ISO image? I can upload it somewhere. The CD is about 350MB in size. Not sure what size it is compressed.
What? Is that all??? The CD only half filled? You figure with all the trees they kill with all the paper they generate year after year, they'd be able to fill several DVDs at least.
Since it is a fact that most of the articles and information are just recycled from previous articles, I guess you can fit all the Watchtower's genuine information on a diskette and still have space left over to save a spreadsheet and a wordpressing document.
see 1919 thread - well hooberus anyway as it was he who asked for the information
Doing a 1919 search on WT CD-ROM 2003 gives the following:
Dx 86-03 Publications Index (2003) 9 references
ip-2 Page 303-320 True Worship expands worldwide (2001) 11 references
ip-2 Page 180-193 Cry Out joyfully in Unison (2001) 9 references
w-01 March 1 st pages 17-22 Salvation for those who choose the light (2001) 9 references
ip-2 = Isaiah?s Prophecy Light for All Mankind Volume 2; w = watchtower magazine; Dx = index