While the site owner will do his best to monitor and moderate the Discussion Board, it will still require a keen eye on the part of the friends to make sure that "all things take place decently and by arrangement." (1 Corinthians 14:40)
This is necessary because there will be those who want to ruin this place of interaction with their anti-Witness slander and gossip which serves little purpose apart from tearing down our faith.
We must be on our guard against such ones, and each person has a responsibility to do so.
If someone is posting in a manner inconsistent with the goals of the e-watchman website (which is to encourage the brothers and sisters to stand firm and yet be alert to Jehovah's judgments), or is resorting to apostate tactics, please REPORT that post immediately so that it comes to the attention of the site owner. You can do so via email or through the Report a Thread option.
Sorry, but I got triggered when I read these words, or JW lingo. -- -Just what does this guy consider "Apostate Tactcics?"
E-watchman's brand new discussion forum
by Schizm 50 Replies latest jw friends
corvin I see you have been found out to be an apostate
Mr Watchman will have a 'runaway hit' with this site. I am quite sure it will appeal to the hundreds of thousands of JW's who know something is not quite right in Paradise and yet still feel that Jehovah is with the Organization and 'refining' it. As one member of a European Branch Committee would often tell me, "This is an imperfect Organization, but it is the only one we have".
I suspect that this comment speaks for tens of thousands who would flock to a Watchman style half-way house in search of an answer as to why God's only true Organization has never got anything at all right. I think his site will be very successful indeed. Well done Robert!
What these people need to understand is that even thinking as the Watchtower puts it, 'private thoughts', not in keeping with the WTS is an act of a person with a weak faith. They are already half-way to the apostacy that they so despise.
Best regards - HS
Room 215
Bravo Hillary! Well said. I for one am heartened that a number of JWs, however small, have retained some semblance of individuality and capacity for independent thought. It does seem however that they're oblvious of having already taken their tentative first steps on the proverbial ``slippery slope" that leads inexorably towards disaffection.
I'm not sure why you want to go mess w/watchman's business.
Because he's a damn hypocrite, that's why!
Yes, I was found out and had my account suspended already! LOL.
To Corvinus...HI! In your reply above--you know, the one which contains "evasive" "vomit"--you have made my asserted point for me. Those matters HAVE, in fact, been addressed and answered--to my satisfaction, at least. It appears that your only interest at present is to cast dispersions, assasinate the character of the site-owner, and attempt to undermine credibility. Having already completely satisfied myself about these matters, this won't be a conversation I wish to pursue. I'm seeking to invest my spiritual energies into positive channels--not wrestle with revilers. Since you have launched a thinly-veiled attack against "E-whatchamacallit" himself, I am hopeful he may see fit to share a few words with you. In his own defense.
So, as someone who left the "janitorial cult" 14 years ago, obviously you have no shared interests with Jehovah's Witnesses presently. Yet, all of the participants on this forum are either active Jehovah's Witnesses or otherwise supportive of the faith. It seems you are in the wrong forum!
We, of course, are aware that many XJW's are not content to simply leave the faith. They usually imagine themselves to be the enlightened escapees of the WT cult, whose duty now is to free other poor ignorant JW's from the oppressive yolk. The thing is, we aren't interested in leaving our faith. But, if any of us do decide to leave the "janitorial cult," we know where to find you.E-WATCHMAN: I know that your hypocritical arse sneaks over here and reads these posts. How can you say you love and want to remain in an organization that if they knew who you were they would toss you out faster than you disabled my account. You speak out against the organization and you know, and I know, that they believe it's just the same as speaking out against God, Himself. This, therefore, makes you a big fat apostate too.
You are the sneakiest, most evil, apostate bastard that exists simply because you claim to still be on the JW's side and you mislead many without addressing the fact that the entire history of the organization is based on numerous lies. You defiitely have your own agenda and I am now siding with Schizm on this one.
I found a nice picture of you and your little theocratic sidekick, ISOMAN.
You are creepy.
Undaunted Danny
My full name is Danny Haszard.I've posted over at watchmans's guest book and they have reviled me as "hap"haszard and other curses not fit to post here at JWD.
A prolific poster over at ewatchman goes by the alias "JINNvisible" a JINN is an islamic demon diety,scary stuff.
What's an "apostate tactic" or an apostate "half truth"?Does this mean that one-half of the information presented here is true? Moreover does this mean that one-half of Jesus Christ returned to power in 1914?
Perplexing Indeed!
[ Mr watchman has money for paid advertisments, those paid spots don't come cheap.Hmmmm I wonder...]
Thanks for going over there and confronting them with that "4th" question. It's doubtful though that any of them will get the sense of it, since the only thing they have eyes for right now is their illustrious Pastor, Mr. E-Watchman. He's their hero, don't ya know, and by golly nobody had better try to touch him. I noticed too that he didn't dare attempt to deny being a long-time poster here at JWD. Wow, if only his admirers over there could read some of the posts he's made here, as well as be made aware of all his past failed predictions, then *perhaps* their jaws might then fall open from shock. At least they wouldn't be so quick to place faith in his NEW predictions.
That animation you posted is a fit representation of those whom "Pastor E-Watchman" has brainwashed. Don't you just love the way the guy's hands move in sync with his brain going up and down on that rub board? LOL
Watchman said to you:
Yet, all of the participants on this forum are either active Jehovah's Witnesses or otherwise supportive of the faith. It seems you are in the wrong forum!
While having said that to you, he undoubtedly would claim he was in the RIGHT forum all the while he was creating those 2000-plus posts of his here at JWD. Like I've already said, he's a damn hypocrite.