To dear Lady Lee

by Puternut 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    Lady Lee,

    I personally wanted to thank you for these posts; "Mothers who have lost a child" and "Those without mothers"

    I know you do counseling, and you have helped many. These posts are excellent, and you know what good it does people to talk about their past and get things on paper, so to speak. So, I am grateful that you took the time to help others in this way. You are a remarkable person. You know the reason why many are here posting, and you try to help where you can.

    To allow and help others to get their deepest emotions out and talk about things from their past experiences, is something we all need to do. And you have a great way of slipping in a few 'thought provoking threads' on the board. I wanted to acknowledge the value you have here as a member. I deeply appreciate the things you do for others. I know a 'little' about your history, and you see the hurt that others are experiencing. You are the best.

    Thank you so much.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Lady Lee is just amazing. Her knowledge, experience and interest in others has helped more people than she can know. She is a tremendous asset to this board, as well as Lambs Roar. You are great!


  • Sassy

    I ditto you both!! She is wonderful!

  • galaxy7

    Thankyou Lady Lee

  • Sunnygal41

    Lee, you tapped an unexpected well of grief in me today with that post about miscarried children.......all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart!


  • jgnat

    Thank you, Lady Lee, for all that you contribute to the board. A gift for you,

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  • FMZ

    Lady Lee, you are certainly a beautiful individual, so unselfishly dedicated to those in the world that have been through painful experiences. The world needs a thousand more of you... until that happens tho, you are definitely one of a kind.


  • codeblue

    Lady deserve much praise for the thoughtful and thought provoking posts you make.

    I also appreciate the personal attention and time you give me when I email you. Thank you!!!

    You are fantastic



  • LyinEyes

    ((((( Lady Lee)))))

    I too , thank you are wonderful LL, you are always thinking of others . I sure hope you are feeling better, I know you havent been sleeping well. Are you sleeping better yet? If you have any good tips on this,,,, I would love to hear them.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Wow I am floored. I really appreciate your thoughts Puternut and BT you both brought tears to my eyes.

    My hope is to always offer support and kindness to those who have received so little and to offer information and help to those who need it.

    We all came from a vacuum of useless information and so often don't have the tools we need to survive well in the non-JW world.

    As for the the threads mentioned in the first post - too often those people are forgotten (as well as the men for Father's Day). They too need an opportunity to be reminded of their losses; to be recognized and accepted instead of forgotten while they sit with their unacknowledged pain. I think if we do that, then we have the ability to move on and celebrate the present and build for the future


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