Lady Lee,
I personally wanted to thank you for these posts; "Mothers who have lost a child" and "Those without mothers"
I know you do counseling, and you have helped many. These posts are excellent, and you know what good it does people to talk about their past and get things on paper, so to speak. So, I am grateful that you took the time to help others in this way. You are a remarkable person. You know the reason why many are here posting, and you try to help where you can.
To allow and help others to get their deepest emotions out and talk about things from their past experiences, is something we all need to do. And you have a great way of slipping in a few 'thought provoking threads' on the board. I wanted to acknowledge the value you have here as a member. I deeply appreciate the things you do for others. I know a 'little' about your history, and you see the hurt that others are experiencing. You are the best.
Thank you so much.