Yup - next week, I'll be going to school. Not just ANY school, though.
I'll be going to the headquarters for Monolithic Domes in Italy, TX and taking a week-long course on how to build their dome homes. (http://www.monolithicdome.com/)
From what I understand, we will most likely be assisting in building a new dome somewhere around there. Nothing provides a better example of how to do it, than actually putting one up.
It has been a goal of mine for a while now - to build one of these types of homes... and this is just another step towards that goal.
Right now, I am thinking of a multiple story structure... a ground floor, a second floor, and a 'basement' - or below ground-level floor... something like 1600 to 1800 square feet living space... 3 bedrooms, 3 baths... etc. I am wanting to use solar panels for part of the electricity... am working on an invention in this area - dealing with lighting...
So... I am really getting excited about this adventure next week.
Oh - since I will be out there... somewhere... I will also be going 'dark' - which means I will not have Internet access... so yall won't hear from me for a while. *grin*
Well... I need to get busy around here... work to do and all...
Jim TX