Bullied JW Child

by desib77 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77


  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    I see.......................bye then

  • Junction-Guy

    Cloud strife, You really should be thankful then. Being a JW might not have a direct effect on a child being bullied, but there is also the indirect effect. In fact just being a JW give you certain personality traits that other kids can pick up on, The kids know youre different and can sense it. I mean for goodness sakes, young JW boys are forbidden to play school sports which can be emotionally detrimental to their development and add to their sense of isolation


  • desib77


    You should stick around....you will learn a lot of interesting stuff...


  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    That is Bull..... I did sports and I know of others who do........where do you people get all this info from?......its not correct.

    I know there are people in the community who are a little extreme with these things, but I only know a few.

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Cloud, It may be different there where you live as the society seems to bend its doctrine to fit whatever situation, however if you had been paying attention at the meetings and assemblies you would know what im talking about. There was even a brochure put out by the society entitled "school and jehovahs witnesses" or something similar in name. Anyway it went on to explain in that brochure why JW kids dont participate in school ball teams or most other extracurricular activities. I know as we went through this with my dad, my brother and the elders


  • desib77

    You may have been allowed to and you may not know of many who are "extreme" but they are there and the truth is most JW youngsters are encouraged not to take part in sports at school.

  • Junction-Guy

    This is really a sore point for me, because my brother was an excellent basketball player and was offered a spot on the team back in junior high, my father wouldnt allow it and showed us mountain high stack of pubhlications from the society stating that JW kids DONT, I repeat Dont play school sports


  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    that is half true because you will have influence of people who (for instance) smoke, use provoking language, and do other stuff like that.

    The way I see it is as a protection, not as a last (don't know the word in English)

  • desib77

    You are entitled to your opinion, but most people on here were deprived of diff. things during their childhood under the idea that it was for their "protection". I for one didn't experience things most people learn at a young age until I was an adult. It is much more difficult dealing with things you were "protected" from when you are grown up.

    Besides, if you are a true Christian, than shouldn't you be feeling love toward your fellow brother (the topic of this post) instead of criticizing others? Hmmmm what happened to that brotherly love?

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