Which Side of the Bed?

by simplesally 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I sleep pinned down by an insatiable woman.


  • Yerusalyim

    I'm versatile, usually I would sleep on the left, for the last few months I've been on the right side so I don't wake up my wife when I get up in the morning...she sleeps on the right side too, so we have half a king size bed empty.

  • ohiocowboy

    I sleep on the side that my Dog allows me to sleep on-She is a total bed-hog, as she spreads out sideways on the pillows, and I usually wake up to her butt in my face-Call that GRATITUDE!!!

    Dog 14

  • Dan-O

    Much like your ex, Mrs. O also insists on sleeping on whichever side of the bed is closest to the door (i.e., closest to the bathroom). I sleep on whatever side is available for me. I'm flexible ... I can even sleep sitting upright on the couch with my feet parked on the coffee table.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    My husband insists on sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the door as well, and his reasoning is that anything dangerous that might come through the door will have to go through him first before it gets to me.

    Chivalry isn't dead!

  • Badger

    My ex insisted I sleep next to the door...now, I sleep all over it.

    In the rare time I spend the night with a lady friend, I volunteer for spot duty.

  • simplesally

    Sara, that was his reasoning as well............ and he slept with a small bat under the bed.

  • Special K
    Special K

    If I was to ask my husband which side of the bed I sleep on he would say "on his side".

    Because whatever side he sleeps on he wakes up with me crawled up into his back with him hanging teetering on the edge.

    He thought the solution would be to buy a Queen size bed and get rid of our double bed .. because he blamed his teetering always on the edge on the kids always in our bed. By morning there might be 5 in the bed.

    However, it became apparent to him after buying the queen size bed that it is not the kids that is causing this... it is ME.. his wife.

    Our Queen size bed is great but by morning the poor dear man is still hanging and teetering on the edge of the bed and I'm all snuggled up behind. him .. with 3/4 of the bed laying empty.

    I suggested he should accidentally fall out of bed in the middle of the bed in the middle of the night and see what happens to me. My response is that I would fall down on the floor beside him and we would roll all over the floor with me still firmly snuggled right into his back.

    sincerely love that man

    Special K

  • Maverick

    The side with the woman under the covers! Maverick

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I sleep right smack dab in the middle :)

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