insight into human behavior-the famous stanford prison experiment revisited

by Realist 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    hello waiting,

    i think the second link i posted shows the actual experiment...if i remeber correctly (its a while since i red it) they mention that the observers were drawn into the szenario.

    PS: i think there is no point in blaming humanity for this. we simply are nothing else but animals with a exceptionally large brain. imo there is no point in blaming lions for what they do either.

  • waiting


    Thanks for the click - I used to have it, but lost life story.

    Fascinating study. In fact, there were quite a few done to show just how base humans could quickly become........and they can't be repeated, because of human nature. It's not politically correct (no pun intended) anymore.


  • Realist


    your life story?

    i find it very sad that such experiments are not longer conducted. i believe it would be very important to understand more about this behavior.

  • waiting
    PS: i think there is no point in blaming humanity for this. we simply are nothing else but animals with a exceptionally large brain. imo there is no point in blaming lions for what they do either.

    Just caught your "PS"

    No one, including me, is blaming human nature. Just like a lion.........we are humans. As the article quoted some other professionals - that's why proper training & oversight is necessary.

    But unlike lions, we can control/channel/discipline/rise above our nature. Lions can be trained & given proper oversight. I think that's a significant difference. And our thumb.


    my PS: my life story is boring. However, I'm at work I think the majority of things are boring. Not this thread though.

  • waiting

    Hi again,

    I think I mislead you on the frequency of experiements.

    i find it very sad that such experiments are not longer conducted. i believe it would be very important to understand more about this behavior. -realist

    The persons doing the experiments just had to find a way to experiment without putting their test subjects In Harm's Way. Even Milgram's experiment was seriously questioned because innocent people were (in their own minds) inflicting small/enormous pain on other human beings. They had to go home & ponder their own behavior - and they didn't ask to be in this type of experiment.

    It's been a pleasure to chat with you.


  • Realist


    yes harming people is a problem...but one has to weigh the benefits to the harm caused. in this case i think the benefits were outweighing the harm by far.

    But unlike lions, we can control/channel/discipline/rise above our nature.

    oh oh you have touched one of my favorite subjects! - free will!

    i think free will does not exist. it is a perfect illusion.

    but without question can we achieve fantastic things.

    nice chatting to you too!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Interesting read, thanks Realist. (although I supported ousting Saddam, I also feel it is important for those responsible for the inhuman treatment of prisoners, including OFFICERS, be dealt with severly)

  • Michael3000
    With the exception of a very small minority, humans are not capable of killing other humans. This is why countries and military forces must "dehumanize" the enemy that will be attacked.

    Pay attention and you will notice that before a war, each side will try to make the other look like a monster in the eyes of its people. We were made to see the Taliban as monsters... this made it much more easy to kill them. We were made to see Saddam and his military as a monsters... this made it much more easy to kill them.

    Elsewhere, you nailed it. Also brings to mind GW Bush's "evildoers" epithets (and any variants).

    Much like his much-ballyhooed fundamentalist "faith", this all supports his administration's agenda in whipping up the the fervor of the Religious Right. Gotta keep that voter base alive & kickin'!

  • Yerusalyim


    Was there a purpose behind the post?

    How much for the one with the blue handles?

  • Realist

    double edge,

    you are welcome!


    the point was to talk about an interesting phenomenon.

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