That lagging indicator of employment is silencing the "jobless recovery" critics, In the last two months (March and April) 600,000+ new jobs created, and the January and Febraury figures are up. Are you still working? newly employed?
Great News, Employment Up
by Yerusalyim 42 Replies latest social current
Big Tex
My job's not going very well, so I may be looking very soon.
This is good...But it ain't a trend until it happens in the second quarter too...
Besides, notice how they have to quailify this? "The biggest job growth since 2000"...Gee, who was President before THAT?
That lagging indicator of employment is silencing the "jobless recovery" critics
Well they had to pick up sometime, Yeru!
One can't really blame Bush for the economic downturn -- economic cycles are bound to happen. What I dislike about the President's economic solution (i.e. tax-cuts, tax-cuts, plus a few tax cuts) was that it was very off-balance. Many say it favored the wealthy immensely, tilted heavily toward corporations rather than worker aid, and was just plain slow (tax cuts do take a few years to work through the system, especially phased ones).
In my opinion corporate tax cuts targeted at job creation, plus public works projects would have been a better use of the surplus. That would create jobs immediately and cushion the blow to workers.
This is good...But it ain't a trend until it happens in the second quarter too...
It's been 8 months straight now.
Pork Chop
Yes, and it's getting almost no play on the major media. What a surprise!
Interesting too that Pelosi's statistics for total job lost increased 400,000 in the last month, how weird is that! I suspect the people like Pelosi will keep increasing the number of jobs supposedly lost to keep pace with the new jobs that are being created. The facts never bother these people.
I like pork chops cynicism -- no great shout of praise from CNN or liberal media -- all doom and gloom because the president is republican and it is an election year --I think it is great news -- dollar is getting a little stronger also
Let us welcome good news -- Democrats are you listening?
Last time I checked, AM talk radio and Fox News are major components of this country's media.
So stop yer whining about the liberal media peeps.
Bigtex... I sure hope your job stabilizes or you are able to find replacement work! Trust me... I do know what it's like.
I can't really speak for the economy as a whole, but I can say that I am seeing the IT field... and even the software development field is getting a lot better. The pay rates are getting back to what they were before the .COM bust. The down side to this is that wages are what they were in 2000... we are now in 2004 plus the additional cost of living from normal inflation. Basically this means that we waited four years for IT wages to go down and stagnate instead of going up with inflation.
congratulations on the recovery! hope it continues!