Who will win Survivor All Stars?

by Mulan 16 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mulan

    What do you think?

    I think it has to be Rob. Much as I can't stand him, he deserves to win. He is playing so smart, and wins so many of the challenges that it would be robbing him to not have him win.

    I would love for it to be Rupert though. He is the most honest of them all.

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm not sure who will win, but what a concept, the winner can call themselves the best LOSER!

  • Princess

    I just watched the interview with big Tom on comcast. I really don't think the jury will give Rob anything. In the past they have rewarded the nasty players with the money but they really really hate him. I will be sooo disappointed if Rob and Amber are the final two. At this point, the only person I like is Rupert. I hope he can pull off a miracle.

  • dubla

    ive liked rob from the beginning, but i agree with princess....i cant see the jury giving it to him if he makes it to the final two (which i think he will on immunities alone). i really thought he messed up last night by screwing tom over. the final four did have their pact from early on, but it became obvious on last nights episode that rupert and jenna were thinking of ousting rob. now hes stuck himself in a two-on-two situation, whereas he couldve busted up the other couple first, then waited to take tom out (final three).

    by doing it the way he did, hes now created another enemy on the jury, and hes just won a new truck to boot (not to metion basically giving amber a car on top of that). that doesnt bode well for him, and i cant see them voting for him over any of the other three when it comes down to it. his only hope is that they will give it to him based on merit, which he is certainly deserving.....hes played the game the best, by far. in a completely fair vote, he would win hands down......enemies arent fair though, so we shall see.


  • Princess

    I don't think they'll give it to him on merit. Personally, I don't think he's played the game the best...dirtiest but not necessarily the best. Anyone who is still there is deserving but to screw over close friends for money, that's just wrong.

    Has anyone ever won the vehicle and then gone on the win the money? I think maybe Thailand but I don't think any others won.

    Colby won SUV in Australia

    Lex won a truck in Africa

    I can't remember any others but I think generally the resentment keeps them from winning the whole prize.

  • dubla


    Personally, I don't think he's played the game the best...dirtiest but not necessarily the best.

    hes been by far the most dominating in challenges, and many times in survivor "dirtiest" can be the best.....remember, "outwit".

    Anyone who is still there is deserving but to screw over close friends for money, that's just wrong.

    they all have a chance to be friends after the game is over....but imo, considering someone a "close friend" during the game is pretty dangerous, and all of these players, having played the game once before, knew that going in.

    Has anyone ever won the vehicle and then gone on the win the money?



  • Mulan

    Didn't Brian win it in Thailand, and then he won the money didn't he?

    I read in People magazine that Rob and Amber are still a couple, and their families expect them to marry. So, she isn't playing him.

  • Princess

    Nope, Brian didn't win the car, I went back and checked. It was the african-american guy. I actually took the time to run through the websites and check. No one has ever won both the money and the car. Crossing fingers and knocking on wood.

    The game isn't over. She can still be playing him until the finale. If it's down to Rob and Amber, she can still take the money and run on Sunday...

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If either Rupert or Jenna can get the next immunity then they can gain the power and vote Rob off and Amber the following week.

    If they can't get the immunity then they will be the next ones off.

    I still want Ruprt to win with Jenna as his second

  • dubla


    rupert or jenna winning immunity wont gain them "the power"....rob and amber would just vote for the other one of the two. i think itll be a two-two tie personally, and im not sure how they are doing the tiebraker rule (is it still whoever had the most past votes for them loses?).


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