
by Stefanie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    Whats everyone getting their moms for mothers day?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I went shopping today for my friend;s mom, since he's a lazy ass. I bought her a purse with body lotions and sprays in it from Bath and Body works, a coffee cup that says "My kids say their mother is Mooooooolicious", and some tea that she loves to drink.

    I couldnt resist, so I picked up a cup for my mother as well that says "If it's not one thing, it's your mother!" We're going to lunch next week and I'll give it to then. You know, so it isnt a mother's day gift.

    p.s. I know these gifts sound cheesy but I bought jewelry last year.

  • CountryGuy

    This is the first Mother's Day that I'll have ever celebrated with my mom! I've sent her Mother's Day gifts before, but I was always in Texas on that day.

    I got her a kit from Hobby Lobby to make her own stepping stone for her garden. It comes complete with letters and little things to put pictures in and everything. It's very cheesy, but I think she'll like it.

    Country Guy: Momma's boy and PROUD of it!!!

  • codeblue

    I would love to be able to get my Mom something, but unfortunately she died when I was 14...

    So for everyone who has a Mom that they love...please show her how much you love her.

  • 4JWY

    I asked my teen son what he was getting me for Mother's Day - he said, "when is it?" and I answered, "Sunday" to which he says -"DIDN'T I ALREADY GET YOU SOMETHING FOR MOTHER'S DAY?"

    I had to kindly inform him - "Oh, no... THAT was Valentine's Day and it was three months ago!" - the only reason it was so funny is because he doesn't have a CLUE WHEN ANY OF THESE DAYS ARE - OR, WHAT PEOPLE DO ON THEM - being raised JW none of them ever entered his consciousness and I wonder if that will ever change. I hope, for any future wife's sake, that he will learn more about those days that will be special to her and a family.

  • WildHorses

    My mom said she wants a big batch of tamales for Mothers day. Unfortunately, she lives in MN but, fortunately, she will be here on the 22nd. So, I will be making her a big batch to take home with her. We just have to figure out a way to keep them frozen until she can get them back to her freezer up there.

  • Stefanie

    I would love to be able to get my Mom something, but unfortunately she died when I was 14...

    So for everyone who has a Mom that they love...please show her how much you love her.


    I will, and I will tell her you say hi!

  • dh

    when is mothers day?

  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Well, I suppose I'll get her a vase of plastic flowers. She's dead.


  • copsec

    I was just telling one of the younger guys at work today to make sure he remembered his mom on Mother's Day. I always bitched and moaned about how "nuts" my mom made me but I would give anything to have her back.

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