Having Your Post (edited)

by Elmer J. Fudd 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    A young punk assulted this Forum and a Newbie. I blasted his butt and my comments were (edited). Sorry if my dislike of jerk-wads leads me into a furry of words. Please pardon me Administrator. I thought it was funny and appropriate to get this jerk out-o-here.


  • bikerchic

    Whoa there pard........best you leave the blasting to the FA's lest you get blasted.

    You can always PM one of the FA's with your concerns, especially pay attention to seeing who is on line by their posting times and PM that one.



  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Will do.


  • Corvin

    Elmer! What you are experiencing is properly called, "I am new XJW and I am pissed off and don't cross me or I will kick your effing arse!" sydrome. I went through the same thing and have learned over time to tone it down a bit. I still get so pissed at these self-righteous JW's and JW apologists who come in here to set us straight.

    You are super cool and we all really do understand.

    Best Regards,


  • patio34

    Hi Elmer,

    Please pm me if you would like to discuss the reasons I edited your post.

    Of course, some posters are pretty inflammatory, but you can still reply and stay within the rules.

    Thank you.


  • Shutterbug

    I think calling them "waskely wabbits" would be ok. (Sure hope I spelled that correctly_)

  • little witch
    little witch


    I thought your post about his car having a muffler to make it sound bad was pretty darn funny! And I also think it was probobly very close to the mark. He or she did seem very young and inarticulate.

    At any rate, with this type who is into disruption and trolling, it really is best to not respond (that is their sole aim). The importance of pm'ing a moderator with your concerns (I think) is because some people have come to jwd spouting some pretty weird stuff, and ended up staying and seeing things differently.

    I do very much understand your anger at that poster though. He/she was out of control.

  • exjdub
    with this type who is into disruption and trolling, it really is best to not respond (that is their sole aim).

    I agree with Little Witch. I realize that people like Cloud Strife bring out the worst in us, but the best revenge is to not react and respond to the asinine comments. You could almost read the satisfaction in his/her posts as the responses got angrier. CS's tactics are to keep poking the stick at the dog until a reaction occurs.


  • stillajwexelder

    If my posts get out of hand I do not mind them being edited - in fact one day I hope to reach out for the privilege of being a moderator or Forum Assistant

  • bikerchic


    If my posts get out of hand I do not mind them being edited - in fact one day I hope to reach out for the privilege of being a moderator or Forum Assistant


    1. You show great potential and humility (don't mind if you get edited)

    2. To properly reach out you must regular pio post

    3. Be loyal to this board and only this board

    4. Abide by the Forum Guidelines and be able to recite them by heart in a room full of your peers (aka; Admins section)**

    5. Always wear a tie while posting and viewing this board, for the lady Mods panty hose

    6. Submit your request in writing using the "secret seal" (a WT emblem upside down made from your own blood) on the seam of the envelope

    7. Remain positive while waiting upon Jeh Simon to hear of your appointment with the halo of hope always present in your eyes

    ** Bring Your Own Beer

    Hey I wish you luck, cheers!


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