If my posts get out of hand I do not mind them being edited - in fact one day I hope to reach out for the privilege of being a moderator or Forum Assistant
1. You show great potential and humility (don't mind if you get edited)
2. To properly reach out you must regular pio post
3. Be loyal to this board and only this board
4. Abide by the Forum Guidelines and be able to recite them by heart in a room full of your peers (aka; Admins section)**
5. Always wear a tie while posting and viewing this board, for the lady Mods panty hose
6. Submit your request in writing using the "secret seal" (a WT emblem upside down made from your own blood) on the seam of the envelope
7. Remain positive while waiting upon Jeh Simon to hear of your appointment with the halo of hope always present in your eyes
** Bring Your Own Beer
Hey I wish you luck, cheers!