I left so long ago at such young age, we didn't have food banks here back in the 70s. My parents (practicing JWs) regularly give to the local food bank now, and also donate clothing/household items to a local shelter when they do spring cleaning, etc. They also donate to the Lung Association every year. Not all JWs are cheap conscienceless bastards. Some of the R&F are actually caring people.
BUT, I remember well when my aunt's house burned to the ground while she was at a meeting (with her husband and five kids). They lost everything but the clothes on their backs, literally! They were very poor and had no insurance.
The congo did nothing for them. They had to go to the Salvation Army, who sold them some furniture and clothes very cheap, and my parents helped them with what they could. But not one shred of help from any of the loving 'brothers and sisters'. Yeah, and they are all still pioneers, Bethelites, MS, etc. Talk about denial.