How Greepeace loves to kill millions of innocent people...

by Elsewhere 60 Replies latest social current

  • drwtsn32
    GM crops are simply about making more money for western farmers IMO and not about feeding the poor and starving.


    GE crops are about making plants more resilient and able to grow in harsher climates.

    If people were interested in doing that then they could already do it with the current crops.
    The argument is that without GE food we couldn't support the world's current population.
  • drwtsn32
    genetic food has so far certainly not rescued millions or billions of people.

    According to Gregg Easterbrook writing in The Atlantic, "perhaps more than anyone else, Borlaug is responsible for the fact that throughout the postwar era, except in sub-Saharan Africa, global food production has expanded faster than the human population, averting the mass starvations that were widely predicted. The form of agriculture that Borlaug preaches may have prevented a billion deaths."

  • ignored_one



    GE crops are about making plants more resilient and able to grow in harsher climates.

    Would it be possible to modify them so that they didn't produce seed? Or at least seeds that couldn't germinate?

    I'm sure the companies producing them are looking to the long term and if making sure that they had a regular customer base that was stuck with their product they wouldn't think twice to exploit them. Hell, that's what companies do.


    Ignored One.

  • drwtsn32

    ignored_one, hey everyone wants to be paid! Is it wrong for companies that develop GE foods to get some sort of compensation? Sure, in a perfect world everything would be given away for free.

  • Celtic

    Earlier on I replied to this post and consider my viewpoint in reflection absurd, it was wrong of me to write that and write such view in such an offensive way. Since I did not write a fully cohesive reply, it would have been better for me to have simply kept my mouth shut.


  • heathen

    I do have to agree with dr.watson on this one . I don't think it's the US tax payers responsiblity to arm or feed foreign nations especially ones like Bosnia where we know they are growing heroine crops . If these countries can't compensate with something then I don't think private industry needs to give anything away. I think the US government would just authorize it just for power and influence. I also think of countries like India where they refuse to eat beef when it's sitting right in front of them and they're starving . Gimme a friggen break already .

  • stillajwexelder

    Earlier on I replied to this post and consider my viewpoint in reflection absurd, it was wrong of me to write that and write such view in such an offensive way. Since I did not write a fully cohesive reply, it would have been better for me to have simply kept my mouth shut.


    You are a great person -- if the WTBTS had a 1/10th of your humility and ability to apologize, the world would be a better place

  • Corvin


    Earlier on I replied to this post and consider my viewpoint in reflection absurd, it was wrong of me to write that and write such view in such an offensive way. Since I did not write a fully cohesive reply, it would have been better for me to have simply kept my mouth shut.


    Celtic, you are truly an awsome guy!

    Best Regards,


  • Elsewhere


    Don't worry about it... everyone likes to talk smack now and then and I'm not inclined to take it too seriously.

  • rem

    I can't wait for Open Source Seed. Seed should be free! (as in speech AND beer)

    Oops, I thought this was Slashdot. :)


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