Dan, look back at my second post, darling.
Turn away from these wicked ways!
by Proud Witness 121 Replies latest jw friends
Pride comes before a fall.
I'm also curious about one other thing. Out of all the things Lady Lee posted on, you chose to ignore everything but one minor fact/detail.
Do you have no human compassion for the person that has been hurt? Not one single word of empathy or shock at how badly she has been treated? I wanted to cry as I was reading all the things she went through. Are you compelled to reach out to her in her pain as strongly as you are compelled to preach to wicked sinners their (our?) impending destruction at the hands of a vengeful god?
I'm surprised, since you are supposed to show love for your fellow man. How did Jesus treat the Samaritans...the apostates of his day? I think you know a couple of those parables.
I know that as Witnesses you know that we get warnings to stay away from you kind of people, but I want to help. If anybody has anything to say about 'how bad the Organization is' yadda yadda yadda then let them say it here, we will have it out.
You know, I wish the internet had been around when I was an active JW. This is a great way to get your time in. Heck, with the internet, I could have even aux. pioneered on a regular basis!
You asked, so I'm sure you really want to know. (I'm guessing this will give you enough material for at least another half-hour's worth of field service.) Why did I leave God's organization? I was tired of being told that no matter how much I did, it was never enough. I was tired of being brow-beaten over piddly things (hair too long, shoes too shabby for service, a TWO door car, what were you thinking?) by self-righteous elders who committed worse acts themselves (smoking, child abuse, getting drunk on a regular basis). But most of all, I left because I was tired of hearing what an evil wicked person I was from the organization.
They kept telling me that if you pray to Jehovah, He will hear your prayers... He will help you overcome your obstacles. He will help you change. He never did. You can only feel like a failure for so long until something snaps. I decided that it would be better for my parents to have a dead son, than a gay son. My mother came home early from work to discover me with one wrist slit open (I was about to do the other one) and rushed me to the hospital. To those on the board who've heard it before, I apologize for going into this in detail, again. I bring it up again, PW, because I didn't want you to think that I didn't try hard enough to be a good little straight-boy JW. I did everything I could to change the way that I felt: I prayed in ernest every day and night, I studied everything I could on the subject from the org., I did what they said would work, I even got engaged to a sister. But, no matter what I did, the feeling was still there. I finally realized that if Jehovah wouldn't take it away, then it must be natural. It must be something that he doesn't want to help me change.
So there, PW. That's why I left the organization. I left because the organization wouldn't allow me to be the person that Jehovah created me to be. Don't bother responding or quoting scriptures, people that I actually know and respect have already done that. (But then again, I guess that wouldn't allow you to count your time, would it?)
I could provide some examples, yes. For instance, Ray Franz, self proclaimed misleader of thousands,
I have never met Ray Franz in person. I have never seen him speak. I read his book. I don't think that makes him my leader.
claims in Crises of Conscience that some Governing Body members often 'fell asleep' in meetings and these meetings were not centered around examining God's word but simply on procedure. Of course, many people have believed him, and that's up to them.
I believe it. Why shouldn't I? Do you have any other first-hand accounts of GB meetings to prove otherwise? Didn't think so.But it's sad to see so many people simply taking his word for it and claiming the same as he does - just because he didn't receive God's holy spirit when he was part of the Governing Body, doesn't mean to say that the rest didn't either.
Whether or not Ray received God's HS is something that neither you nor I can prove. No point in discussing.
Ray Franz was totally demoted and began work on a farm, if I remember rightly. If that was the case, he was an ageing man with no prospects, unable to ever return to God's Organization. So he wrote a book. Good idea!
It will come as such great news to all those people who have ever left, he can get bags of money and can be seen as some kind of 'saviour' to the apostates.
I'm not sure that Ray made scads of money from his book. He's an intelligent man who had a story to tell. If it's all lies, why hasn't the WTS addressed the accusations made or sued him for slander? And, once again, if you're going to come here and yell "LIES LIES LIES" you'd better be prepared to back it up with at least something!
They don't even mention his name in the Proclaimers book! A guy who was on the GB for 9 years! And they claim that the Proclaimers book is accurate and objective. ROFLMAO!!!
By lying in this manner, he downgrades the Faithful Slave... in my book, thats a 'terrible lie'.
OK, whatever.
Another indirect lie is when apostates speak about false prophecies. For instance, parts of the Finished Mystery which were filled with Charles Taze Russells crazy ideas about Pyramids, Steam Locomotives and God living on another planet. I think he was the one on the other planet! But apostates point to these teachings, as though they mean anything today. They do not! They just serve as a reminder that the light gets brighter. These people who speaculate on past doctrine as though we teach it today are idiots.
See my previous post.
I'm not as familiar with the abuse scandal, somebody else will need to take up that one. But once again, you're claiming that people are lying but you have no evidence that this is the case, just insinuations.And for the last 3 years, the so called 'Child Abuse figures' as shown on Silent Lambs has stood at the same figure, the same that Bill Bowen proclaimed on the BBC documentary. Like a game of Chinese whispers, Bill was told a number, by 'a person working at Brooklyn' and he gave the number to the rest of the world as his 'truth'. I'm not denying the existance of these scumbags within the Organization, but I am confused as to why people could listen to Bill say a five digit number and swallow it whole - just the same as how apostates claim the rest of the Organization has swallowed God's truth as a 'lie'.
Intresting this title is called "Turn away from your Wicked Ways".
She comes here to a site she KNOWS is Apostate, she totally defies what the Faithful Slave has instructed her NOT to do which is associate with known Apostates, she not only is in company with them but she CONVERSES with them which is double anti- dub dogma.
Proud Witness, how about you PM me and give me your real name, the congregation you belong to, and what your P.O.'s phone number is, and I will call him and let him know about our conversations here? Perhaps he will join in with you here on this Forum and can talk some sense into us lost souls. Sound good?
Proud Witness said: Ray Franz, self proclaimed misleader of thousands, claims in Crises of Conscience that some Governing Body members often 'fell asleep' in meetings and these meetings were not centered around examining God's word but simply on procedure. Of course, many people have believed him, and that's up to them. But it's sad to see so many people simply taking his word for it.
OK, I guess I'll be the first to say this: Proud Witness, I think you're full of shit. I don't believe that you're a "loyal Witness", because if you were, then how exactly would you know what Ray Franz had claimed in his book, seeing as any "loyal Witness" would never have read the ultimate "apostate" book written by someone the rest of the Governing Body classifies as part of the "Evil Slave Class"?
"Proud Witness" is probably another logon name by someone else that used to post drivel like this just to try and get a rise out of everyone.
Nobody can say it like our Mary!
I think I've been suckered. Oh well, it was kinda fun anyways!
I like my so-called "wicked" ways and am happier than when I was a slave to the Borg. I am not giving my wicked" lifestyle up but commend you for getting you hours in this month by trying to convert us! LOL