convention time is here... i can smell it in the air
by in a new york bethel minute 19 Replies latest social humour
in a new york bethel minute
sorry guys my post didnt go through... should have cut and pasted. anyways, i dont feel like typing it out all over again, but basically the point was that convention time is the best way for the WTBTS to advertise its product. they remind us beginning in January about how our conduct should be, where to stay (only Jehovah-approved hotels)... how we should tip our servers at dinner after and even what we should eat for lunch (dried fruits and nuts so that we dont get tired and fall asleep during the second half... i have news for u brooklyn: i pick what i eat for lunch, and if i didnt stay awake during the first half, chances are im not going to NOT sleep after eating a beautiful veal sandwich with peppers and cheese, chased with a nice merlot hid inside a thermos). And the whole weekend, no matter where we go or what we do, we have to keep our badges on. anyone have anything to add about convention season???
It annoyed me that our PO "encouraged" us to be sure and leave a GOOD tip for the housekeeping staff at the hotels too - it's just none of his little-rich-boy-silver-spooner business how much we leave the housekeepers.
And this after they tell us we must NOT pay any additional surcharges, however small, to the hotel itself.
Micro-managing control freaks.
Bring the biggest f+++ing cooler you can bring! You might also wanna put a couple of beers in there. Beer makes me tired anyway. Oh yeah, superglue the pen to your hand, and the notepad to your polyester pants so it looks like you're paying attention. Don't forget to wear your prescription sunglasses because you broke your normal pair. You might also wanna bring a cot (what the hell was it with all those people on the side sleeping in cots???) You might also wanna bring some nyquil so the applause, kingdom melodies, and sound of people opening cans of warm coke don't wake you up all that easily.
Now I never thought of that... putting merlot into my thermos! For next um wait... there won't be a next time!
Speaking of conventions.... I am delighted to report that we did not attend the recent two day circuit assembly; furthermore, we had no idea it was taking place until a dub at work casually mentioned the thing. I was overjoyed to realize one of their "major events" came and went and we were completely oblivious to it.
And this after they tell us we must NOT pay any additional surcharges, however small, to the hotel itself.
You mean they're not allowed to pay for the porn movies they charge up on the pay-per-view?
Must be the malfunctioning convention toilets.
Convention time always pissed me off. The Society? always uses it as an opportunity to assert authority where they in fact have none - over people's wallets and personal preferences. I always resented being told to wear a dog tag, as though I was their property or something. I know my name and name of my congregation, so I don't need a tag as a reminder. If I want someone else to know it I'm capable of telling them myself, IF I choose to do so.
I work hard for my money, so I didn't appreciate them trying to tell me which hotels I can use and which I must avoid. If I go to a restaurant, I always leave a decent tip, if the service sucks I reserve the right to withhold a tip. I also reserve the right to choose where and what I eat.
The Watchtower sucks the life out of people, taking their time, energy, money, and freedom, and all they give in return is more demands.
convention time is here... i can smell it in the air
Yes, I can smell it too, and it reminds me of vomit.
Yes, I can smell it too, and it reminds me of vomit.
lol too funny!