Do JW celebrate funerals? i was just wondering cuz if they don't celebrate birthdays and stuff like that, why only sometimes celebrate life?
by Spooner 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Celebrate is an unusual term to be mixed with funeral.
so you wouldn't celebrate their life? i did not mean, "HEy they're dead, let's party" i meant look back at their life and remember what they have done.
little witch
I know you are curious about jw beliefs and dogma as I have read your posts since you came here mistakenly believing that this is a pro-jw site. There is nothing wrong with being curious or interested in jw beleifs but you are completly missing the point of this board. We have all "been there done that". We all understand the hypocrisy and error of the watchtower.
There is really nothing you can "prove" to us that we don't already know from first hand experience (something that you lack).
To address your curiousity, might I suggest some websites that will answer your nagging questions about what current witnesses believe?
First, go to the jehovah's witnesses official website
watchtower information service
beyond jehovah's witnesses
I hope this will help answer your questions. You are certainly welcome to be here, it is just kind of strange that you are "preaching to the choir" here.
jeeeez didn't know i was nagging, but thanks.
little witch
No your not nagging! Your questions are! Sorry for my poor choice of wording.
ah it's fine, but it is fun to see JW try to defend themselves against what i say...
Spooner makes a valid point.
I have been to several non-JW funerals that have been labelled as a "Celebration of the life of whoever".
little witch
So you like to debate? (me too)...
What I am trying to tell though is that we mostly agree with you here. So there is no debate.
Read up on those sites I listed and then (and only then cause you will be better educated on the dogma of witnesses) go to a place like
There you can ask questions to current jw's and debate them. See, you don't have an audience here on jwd. We are former dubs not current ones.
You will be very good at debating
ah it's fine, but it is fun to see JW try to defend themselves against what i say...
I don't understand folks who derive fun from torturing sincere, albeit misguided people. edit: cross-post,,, not directed at you LW,,, if she/he wants to DEBATE, that is a different issue !