Please don't dispair, Obviously Secret. You may feel shy, but you appear to have exceptional communications skills by the way you write and respond to peoples' posts. Part of your shyness may be distrust toward people or lacking self-esteem. It's not an uncommon feeling, and it doesn't nessarily disappear later on in life. Sad, but true. I didn't start coming out of my "shell" until I made up my mind I was the only one who could do it for me. It takes courage and patience, because not everyone will like it or appreciate it. "SO WHAT" I finally have to say.
Don't get me wrong, there are still days I cry about this. It doesn't help that I'm a very sensitive person and very aware of people's reaction toward me. Sometimes I can brush it off, sometimes I can't.
Hang in there, OS! Share with us, we will listen.