Bad Stuff you did in High School

by Nosferatu 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    For those of you who weren't good JWs, or weren't raised in the troof, what kind of bad things did you do in high school?

    One thing that I did sticks out in my mind above all the crap I did. There was this one kid who was marked as the loser. One of my friends got ahold of his locker combination, and gave it to me (and a couple other people). So, me and my friend were trying to figure out what kind of things to do to him. My friend told me, "I've got a can of fart spray, we could tape the nozzle down and throw it in there!" I decided against that because my locker was 2 doors away from his. I also had a better idea.

    My dad had thrown out a bunch of his underwear. Now, these things were full of holes, and had a few stains on them. I picked a pair out of the garbage that night, and brought them to school the next day. During lunch hour (with my friend), I opened his locker, unzipped his binder, and stuff the underwear in the front pocket. I closed the locker, and was on my merry way. The only thing that I wasn't happy about was that I didn't have any classes with him.

    At the end of the day, he came to his locker, completely beet red. The next day, me and my friend were called into the principal's office. Now, me and my friend had never been in trouble before. The vice-principal said "I can't believe that the two of you are in here!" She just asked, "Did you do it?" We both denied, but we put the blame on one other guy who was also in the kid's locker. We were both excused from the office, and the other kid got the blame.

  • FMZ

    I took a four pack of beers (20oz) in to school one day... as we had a concert to play (was 16 at the time). I lied to 2 teachers and managed to skive off for about half the day, and got drunk. By the time the concert rolled around, I had had time to go home, shower, change etc. So I did a school concert with quite a buzz.


  • drwtsn32

    LMFAO Nos!!! That was hilarious!

  • desib77

    bad boys.....


  • drwtsn32

    Hmm...the worst thing I did in high school? It was probably me and my friend beaming Calculus test answers to each other using our HP 48 calculators.

  • Maya

    omg.......I haven't thought about this in years..........

    When I was a senior, me and a couple of my guy friends went into the school library.......

    You know the cards that are in all the books?

    Well......we each took an aisle...took ALL those cards out.......traded piles......then stuck them in whatever book we grabbed........

    We went back a week later and they were STILL trying to match the cards with the proper books.......

    Oh.......JT and James.......I miss you guys soooooooo much..........

  • drwtsn32
    me and a couple of my guy friends went into the school library.......

    And you shuffled books around, making a mockery of the dewey decimal system? OMG you rebel!!!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    We spent a lot of time pretty stoned in highschool. We used to think it height of rebellion to smoke cigs in the lower B-wing hallway even though they provided a smoking area for us outside. I arranged my schedule to have a lunch hour study hall. After a while I just started leaving campus instead of showing up for study hall. An hour and a half is a good long time to get into all sort of mischief. I was a very rebellious kid for about 2 1/2 years until the JWs caught hold of me.


  • New Castles
    New Castles

    A couple of things..

    Showed up to class stoned

    Stole supplies from the school store

    Went to lunch twice everyday for about two weeks

    Shined the music room floor with my girlfriend (after hours)


  • Maya

    hey drwtsn........

    Don't make me climb up there and slap the crap outta you...........

    but, with my luck, I'd just turn you on.........

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