What Watchtower Belief Is The Silliest To You???

by minimus 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ColdRedRain

    The 2 witnesses rule and the "We have a monopoly on the truth, no matter how wrong we were or are." doctrine.

  • Kenneson

    Past beliefs: pyramidology and Beth Sarim (the house built for Old Testament greats to occupy, although in reality the only one who ever occupied it was Judge Rutherford).

    Current beliefs: that somehow an increase in JWs must be a stamp of divine approval. I feel that the whole statistics thing (how many publishers? how many hours in field service? how many Bible studies? how many Watchtowers and other literature printed? etc.) only act as a pat on the back and see how great we are. How impressive!

    Jesus tells us not to participate in war, but to love our enemies. Yet Jesus will participate in Armageddon and destroy all God's enemies.

    That the 144,000 of Rev. 7 & 14 is a literal number, but everything else there is symbolical.

    That the name Jehovah is so important to God. If it is, one wonders why the exact pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is unknown; moreover, the name Jehovah is first introduced to the world in 1278 by a Catholic monk and not by the Watchtower Society. Yet, God has entrusted JWs with restoring His name to its rightful place. Of course, they didn't know they were Jws until Rutherford revealed it to them at a convention in Columbus, Ohio in 1931!

    That somehow there is a long unbroken line of Witnesses from Jesus to Charles Taze Russell, but the W.T. Society just doesn't know who they are after the Apostasy in the 4th century, until Russell.

    The glossing over of past false prophecies (dates) with the standard phrase "the light keeps getting brighter and brighter."

  • nemo

    That we should not read the bible without use of the WBTS literature (a clear sign of biblical hypocrisy), and when the Elders told me that eventhough my father raped me it was not considered "Fornication" and therefore my mother was not scripturaly free. So much for Godly love.

  • minimus

    Kenneson---GREAT reasoning points!!!........Nemo, when I hear these things, all I can say is I'm so sorry. I'm glad we're all out!

  • TD

    I would vote for the blood doctine except that I agree with Blondie; It's far to serious for silliness.

    This belief is runner up in my book:

  • XQsThaiPoes

    The reason that lion is so tame and eating straw next to the bull is the lack of meat makes cats go blind

    The silliest to me is the Jesus will spare all that are supportive to his brothers. Yet just "supporting" is discouraged.

  • sunshineToo

    Besides their claim that they are the only annointed and the only true Christians, I think it is silly that women are not allowed to wear pants suits at the meetings. Their reason was that they "didn't want to offend anyone" by showing sisters wearing pants at the meetings. And at the same time they didn't think they were offending anyone at all by keeping the pedophiles. HOW STUPID!

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Yeah I change my mind. Thinking bulls and Lions are gonna eat grass together is the silliest.

  • Flash

    Gee, there are so many good ones here. I always thought 7000 years for each Creative Day was a joke!

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    My vote goes to the 1914 bit, and how they try to "prove" it by using the story about that wacky king in the book of Daniel. I never did understand how that story had any direct correlation to the timeline. Oh wait, but the book of Daniel mentions "seven times," so it must be related.

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