new assembly procedure?

by wheelwithinwheel 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • wheelwithinwheel

    A brother just told me about a new assembly procedure. During the program at his d.c. this past week-end (Cornwall, Ontario) the chairman asked everyone to pick up their belongings and leave the stadium immediately. Everyone gathered in a nearby park. The circulating rumor (damage control ?) was that the city wanted to test evacuation procedures for the stadium and thought the J.W assembly would be the best to test with, they being so organized.

    The brothers apparently were quite impressed with the rapidity of the procedure and everyone must have been commended from the platform for their outstanding performance because the poor fellow kept repeating to me « imagine getting all those people out in just 7.5 minutes.». Then he confided that he believed the city was mistaken to base their calculations on the J.W evacuation. He told me « don’t they realize that worldly people could never get the stadium cleared in such a short time.

    After over 1 hour everyone was asked to return to their seats. As you may guess the program went 1 hour overtime but nobody minded, they were happy to prove to the world that, once again, only J.W’s were capable of doing someone in record time.

    What puzzles me is why they had to keep everyone waiting in a park over a hour ? He hadn’t thought of that.

  • SixofNine

    Wow! Perhaps we are seeing the actual begining of an Urban Legend.

    How many people get this chance? The Genesis perhaps, of a story that will be told the whole world o'r.

    This is exciting! This is the stuff that religions are made of!

    Then again, perhaps it was a bomb threat. If so, it will be all over WOL soon. Actually, it prolly will be anyway.

  • VeniceIT

    hahha bomb threat was my first thought as well hahha!! I think they all got out so fast because they thought they were going to get to leave early for the day!! WHOOHOOOO!!

    Can you imagine how dissapointed esp. the kids where when they had to go back in and finish the conv haha.


  • Fredhall


    It to bad that you wasn't there.

  • JeffT

    Too bad you wasn't in school they day the taught verb conjugation.

  • metatron

    Wow! Is it just possible that this was their reaction to a
    bomb threat!

    Think about it! If they publically admit there was a bomb threat,
    they might say to themselves "If we announce this, it might
    encourage opposers to phone in bomb threats and wreck assemblies,
    so let's lie about it and hope it goes no further".
    Do you really think a local government would ask the organization
    to do a test evacuation? Would the Society simply comply?
    Why would a local government be so concerned about an
    efficient evacuation?

    Interesting topic
    I hope we hear more about it.
    Maybe somebody could ask local officials if they really
    knew about it.


  • Francois

    They have a point you know. Nobody can clear an auditorium faster than ten thousand JWs who think they're off the hook for the rest of the day.


  • fodeja
    The circulating rumor (damage control ?) was that the city wanted to test evacuation procedures for the stadium and thought the J.W assembly would be the best to test with, they being so organized.

    This reminds me of an interview with two JWs in a regional newspaper in Germany. Asked about the reasons for keeping track of field service time, placed magazines etc., they actually claimed that it is a requirement of the tax authority!


    link to the interview (German language):

  • Flip




  • slipnslidemaster
    I think they all got out so fast because they thought they were going to get to leave early for the day!!

    Ven, that's exactly what I thought!!

    I've never sat in traffic longer then when I was leaving the conventions. Not even after a football or baseball game with *gasp* worldly people!!

    Slipnslidemaster: "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry


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