Sometime ago, the government of France came closest, of any nation on earth, to official recognition of UFO reality.
They commissioned a study ( the "Cometa Report") by their best military and scientific people and concluded that
the extraterrestrial explanation is the most likely. They also complained that the US seemed to be holding the subject back.
Some Belgian/NATO types had very vocal complaints, years back, about the "Black Triangle" incident being ignored,
even though its observation was overwhelming.
Now, there is talk of the Mexican military officially recognizing the phenomena as real - after a stunning recent incident.
These incidents are becoming so overt and obvious that skeptical explanations are becoming strained
and another
A recent UFO sighting was in broad daylight in Kingsgate Retail Park in England - and caused a traffic jam.
While some of these may have conventional explanations, it seems that these incidents are becoming bolder
and more intrusive within the public consciousness. I think we will soon degenerate into a 'schizophrenic' public
denial of UFO's held together with a mass private acknowledgement of their reality. There has been evidence that
some US military or government agencies already act this way - "officially" unreal - but treated as a real well defined
phenomena in safety manuals!
I think first contact ( publically) is still a long ways off. However, I predict these sightings are going to get frighteningly
blatant and intensify - to gradually prepare humans without creating a panic.