Appreciate me! APPRECIATE, DAMN IT!

by Badger 31 Replies latest social current

  • maybesbabies

    I appreciate ya, Badger!!! I'd like to appreciate all over ya right now................................. I had to say something naughty, I don't want to be the only apostababe who doesn't get a spankin' from ya!!!!!!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    lol... maybes.... gotta warn yah..... it takes awhile for Badger's spankins though, I mean..... ahve you seen how little his paws are?

  • Valis

    *LOL* CHEVIES I have! *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • arrowstar


    Badger ...I appreciate get on over here and I'll appreciate ya more


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Congratulations, teach, great job!

    History, and soccer...

    And then summer vacation, ahhhhhhh...

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


  • blondie

    You teach the history of soccer, badger?

    Double the salaries of teachers? It will still be zero then.

    I always wanted to be a teacher. I do train employees and I am an ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor. Sometimes I toy with the idea of going back but by the time I finish school I will be ready to retire.

    Teachers shaped my life. I had bad parents so got my upbuilding and support from them. I was told I was stupid every day of my life at home; not so at school.

    I remember one of my history teachers was a retired lawyer who taught US History. I learned more about the US Constitution from her than at any other time in my life. Several of her students went on to be lawyers and 2 are in the state legislature, 1 in Congress. My 10th grade history teacher taught me to love history. It had been a pointless subject up till that point. When I had to research why Galelo was put on trial by the Catholic Church for his beliefs, he became real to me and I started seeing parallels in the WTS.

    So enjoy your summer, badger. I wonder who you have inspired?


  • Xandria
    I appreciate ya, Badger!!! I'd like to appreciate all over ya right now................................. I had to say something naughty, I don't want to be the only apostababe who doesn't get a spankin' from ya!!!!!!!!

    She got it bad sssoooo.. bad she's hot for teacher.. lol

    X. Happy Teacher's appreciation Day

  • Country_Woman

    Happy Appreciation Day!!!!!!!!

    I don't have any teacher in the neighbourhood, so it have to be you.

  • Badger

    see it all...thanks! The Immigartion to the U.S. is one of my favorit topics to cover (gives me a chance to remind the kids that my people were here first. My players, though, are a bit darker. as for vacation, my son already is looking forward to trips to Six Flags, Dallas Burn Games, the Museum, and his favorite game, Make Dad Collapse.

    Tex: I should probably take a MushroomMushroom

    Blondie: Not quite...but since my students follow the sport, I use it in my lectures a lot.

    I'm lucky in Texas though...I make a bit more than I would in my home state, and I get to live in one of the World's premier cities. If you're ESL, you could work anywhere in Texas, and they'd back a Brinks truck up to your house to keep you.

    I Understand about the school/home thing...I heard the same. I figured out pretty quick that I was possibly the only positive authority relationship for some of these kids. With ome of their home lives, I'm surprised they turn out as well adjusted as they do. I'm tough on them, but I have a great rapport with them personally (something my Asst. Principal noted)

    I'm only in my second year, so as a historian, I can say I have few stories of personal effect. I did convince one girl who got pregnant this year AND accepted to Rice to go, even though her parents wanted her to stay in Oak Cliff . Her boyfriend (a 20-y.o.) says he'll go with her too...That looks good for now.

    At the end of last year, A student told me I was her favorite teacher....first time I had heard that about anything... +

    X: Finally, my first student crush!

    (((CW))): The ones on your side of the pond work just as hard...hug 'em, too!

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