any takers?
Name a ridiculious quote from the WT literature!
by badboy 26 Replies latest jw friends
"Jehovahs people are busy preaching about Jehovahs underserved kindness to deserving ones".
Paraphrased cus I cant find the quote yet but will get back to ya. How stchupid though
nobody told me
Inside cover of the Botchtower "it is non-political" U.N. scandle with the Botchtower being an N.G.O. makes this statement totally false.
There is one in the Mankind's Search for God book that encourages you to question the religion you grew up with. I didn't read that line until I was already out of the JW's. It might have made me think. It's either on page 8 or 12. I used to show it to people but don't remember which page.
I'm sure they didnt' think of the ramifications of that statement.
Mulan, that only applies to "worldly" people! You had the truth, you were supposed to only examine your relgion thru the pages of the WT or examine other religions thru such books as the Search book! You naughty girl!
The June 1st, 2004 Witchtower on: Should You Belong to a Church? is stressing how you can't be saved as an individual, you MUST belong to a group! It then talks about Noah's Flood: "...Even the animals in the ark that survived the Flood did not do so apart from this group...."
This is gotta be one of the dumbest things they've ever said..........
Just one?
I spent the last 6+ years collecting their goofball quotes and putting them all together in one convenient place ( and you want me to choose just one?
I won't do it. I can't and I won't! ;) -
It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people.... May 1 1964 WatchTower
gotta puke now
just an after thought... good thing the rag/mag comes out twice a month -- this allows Jah to change his mind, frequently no less, channel that "new light" to the old farts in Crooklyn and allow the "sheep-like ones" to feed on this grand spiritual harvest! AIN'T THAT THE TROOF!
Hell....if it's in print with the WT logo on it....It's ridiculous.
Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses 1939 p 85 It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watch Tower is used for that purpose.