one of the reasons I still believe in God --the gift of sex which could not have happened simultaneously (as in simultaneous orgasm) -as in evolved differently in males and females
That is something to think about.. you are so smart Stilla..
by PopeOfEruke 48 Replies latest social relationships
one of the reasons I still believe in God --the gift of sex which could not have happened simultaneously (as in simultaneous orgasm) -as in evolved differently in males and females
That is something to think about.. you are so smart Stilla..
The other thing which I find a bit weird: after evolution has discovered that sexual reproduction is the way to go, it then makes men and women so different that sometimes it feels like we are 2 different species. (Maybe thats the way its going!!)
I don't know if anyone has been thru the "singles scene"; but man oh man, sometimes it's just so hard to get on! If evolution wants us to pass on our genes why is it so freakin' difficult sometimes?
And what about marriages/relationships where the couples constantly fight and bicker; where violence exists with women generally getting the worst end of the violence. Has evolution screwed up here??
"The Battle of the Sexes"!!! What did evolution gain by starting the war?
One thing about evolution which is still hard to explain is Why or How did Sexual Reproduction evolve?
WHAT????? what more affective way is there to create a diverse and thereby adaptable life form!?! how did it start? Two one-celled organisms smashed into each other and had to share DNA. the more dominant DNA mixed with some dominant DNA and a new kind of one-celled orfganism was created.
as the one-celled organism's were spreading throughout the world it had to adapt and evole to fit an ever changing environment. thus creating a rergular one-celled organism and a new one-celled organism. one day two kinds of the same organism colided and latched on to each other( perhaps to eat each other) and swaped DNA. this process proved productive and so it was refind through natural selection. a pionty part (ahem....) and a concave part ( ahem...) began to apear and so on...
or ...
We were planted here by ETs or some other form of life of which we have no concept whatsoever. Makes as much sense to me as evolution or creation. It's not my belief, but I consider it a possibility.
Go ahead, make fun, I don't really care. It's just another theory, and we will never know.
There is no random evolution theory. Natural Selection is a powerful directive force.
I don't think anyone has actually answered the question "why sex".
From an evolutionists perspective, I guess it is that sex provides the means for the genetic modifications that are the very basis of evolution. An organism which reproduces simply by dividing is going to nearly always produce an exact replica of itself except when a mistake occurrs.
An organism which reproduces in this way therefore has a greater chance of survival (of it's genes) and is therefore "naturally selected".
(sorry I just realised Angry Athiest answered it)
Thought I'd bump this thread.
Wow same old creationist canards 9 years ago.
So, then, why sex?
I guess I don't understand many of the old comments stating that sex is an evolutionary disaster. If sex is such a disaster, why not blame God? After all, why did he give angels a sex drive but no way to satisfy that desire except by coming down and mating with women? So mating with women was a sin for the angels and I suppose angelic masturbation would have led to angelic homosexuality... both angelic sins. Yeah, the bible really has the answer for "why sex?"
And are some of those old posts suggesting that sex shouldn't be fun? That's all part of the natural selection. It wasn't just the people with healthier genes that were able to pass them along... it was the people that enjoyed passing them along that passed them along!