Nice try Mommy.......... I picked up my girl at daycare and just before I got her, she had an accident and wet her panties. She didn't tell anyone so I changed her and thought to cheer her up I would take her to the park. We went and got new clothes and sandals (stupid, stupid).
We got to the park and had not even gotten to the swings when she wanted to chase me and have me chase her. So we did that but she was running and slipped on the dirt walking path.......scraped knees and crocodile tears.
I told her we'd go get a sucker........but oops! Mommy's purse was at work. So back to work we go to get the money. She told me on the way: I stay in the car Mommy. I don't want anyone see me. I don't want anyone see my owies.
Even when I put her in my bed (her knees are so sore), she wanted the sheet over her so no one would see her. (I assured her no one would be here except one ever is.......and no one would see her, but still she had that nightgown over the knees and the sheet covering her ouchies.)