It hit the fan tonite...

by beaker 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • beaker

    I picked up my kids from my ex (still JW) tonite. She wanted to come and get them back off me on Sunday morning so she could take the meeting and every Sunday meeting. Of course i wasn't going to agree to that so she said that she wanted them every second weekend so they could go to the meeting. I said that wasn't going to happen so she tried to get them out of the car so they wouldn't come with me. I had to l;ock the doors and almost drive over her to get out of the driveway. I sent this email when i got home:

    The only custody agreement i will agree to is as follows

    You have the children for the first weekend of every month and i have them every other weekend from 4pm on friday to 5pm on sunday. I have the children for half of the school holidays to fit in with my work commitments.

    if you do not agree to this i will petiton the family court for full custody.

    In support of my application i will cite the following. You are violently abusive to the children.( throw phone book at havannahs face and cut her nose).You yell and scream all the time (children will testify to that if questioned by a pschologist). You swear all the time(children will testify to that if questioned by a pschologist). You are inhibiting their education by removing them from school if non witness activities are observed. You are forcing them to go to meetings against their wishes(children will testify to that if questioned by a pschologist).You are forcing them to go door to door against their wishes(children will testify to that if questioned by a pschologist). You are hindering their social developement by not allowing them to associate with non witness children. You force the children to live in filthy conditions(children will testify to that if questioned by a pschologist). Witnesses encourage children to lie if it is not in the interests of the church (see Theocratic Warefare).You are mentally abusing the children by making them feel guilty for learning about non witness beliefs. You are mentally abusing the children by making them feel guilty for observing birthdays and christmas. It is also the practice of witnesses to cover over child molestors and protect peodophiles. (see

    i will expect your response over the weekend

    Things had been amicable until now as she is starting to pushe the witness thing. I can see it's going to get legal. Does anybody know where i can get a copy of the book "Preparing children for custody cases" from?


  • Abaddon

    beaker, I think I have it at home, check your PM

  • Sirona


    I picked up my kids from my ex (still JW) tonite. She wanted to come and get them back off me on Sunday morning so she could take the meeting and every Sunday meeting. Of course i wasn't going to agree to that so she said that she wanted them every second weekend so they could go to the meeting. I said that wasn't going to happen so she tried to get them out of the car so they wouldn't come with me. I had to l;ock the doors and almost drive over her to get out of the driveway. I sent this email when i got home:

    OMG. She has them Sunday evening to Friday night and NOW she wants them Sunday daytime too? You only get Friday night to Sunday early morning? I bet you any money the elders put her up to this.

    What the hell is she doing trying to get the kids out of the car when they're ready to spend a weekend with their dad? Sounds like she doesn't mind upsetting them for her "agenda"

    Stick to your guns, and Good luck!


  • Maverick

    You don't say how many or how old the children are. So please take this with a grain of salt.

    I raised my daughter as a single father. It was tough and there were times when I almost gave up due to all the pressure from my ex and the JW's. But I am so glad I hung in there. My daughter is almost 20 and soon will be starting her second year of college. I have been the sole provider both materially and emotionally and the ex hardly even will speak to her anymore, as sad as that is. I love my daughter and though I wish she did have a relationship with her mother,( what loving parent would not want this?) I know in my heart I did the right thing. If it is possible go for full custody. To the JW's children are pawns to use in punishing you for not being loyal to the J-dud Masters. They don't care about the children. I wish you peace but fear you will suffer greatly for the love of your children. Maverick

  • xjw_b12

    ((((( beaker and kids ))))) My wife works in Family Law, and child custody cases have to the most heart wrenching aspect of seperations, especially when it's hindered further by religion.

    I would think your wife loves the children as much as you, but she is further motivated by a desire "to save their lives" by making sure they do not become part of "this wicked system of things"..

    It would be best if you could work this out between yourselves, and not have to get the courts involved again. The WTBTS "walks silently and carries a big stick".

    I wish you well. All of you, including your ex-wife.

    xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die Learn"

  • beaker

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    The boy is seven and the girl is nine.

  • Mary


    It sounds like your ex is a lunatic and unfit parent. If she's physically, mentally and emotionally abusing the children, I say you should go for full custody anyway. If the kids don't want to go to meetings or out in Service, I'm sure they'd be eternally grateful if you got them out of that situation altogether.


    p.s. gimme her address and I'll go beat her up for you.

  • dorothy

    I really feel for you Beeker. It is in the best interests of your children to fight for them to keep them out of this cult. You are completely right when you say your ex is inhibiting their education, as well as preventing them from having a normal childhood. It is important for children to be exposed to a variety of (safe) people in (safe) situations. The WT absolutely prevents this. Keep us posted, if you are inclined to do so.

  • NeonMadman

    If you go to this site , you can purchase a reproduction of the Child Custody booklet, and a book refuting it page by page. Unfortunately, you can't purchase online, but must do so by phone or mail. However, all the info you need is there. Look for the following descriptions on the page:

    #888 PREPARING FOR CHILD CUSTODY CASES: (1988). You will be surprised at the boldness of the lies of the Watchtower Society in this secret booklet not available to JWs. For the first time you can read the controversial booklet, Preparing for Child Custody Cases, written by theWatchtower Society, in which JWs and their children are coached to commit perjury in child custody battles. JWs themselves will be startled by what it says! The Watchtower Society doesn't want you to read this. $4.95.

    #988 REFUTATION OF PREPARING FOR CHILD CUSTODY CASES: Magnani. Almost too hot to handle! You will be surprised at the boldness of the lies of the Watchtower Society and how they are exposed. For the first time you can read the refutation of the controversial booklet, Preparing for Child Custody Cases (see pub. #888 under section C.), written by theWatchtower Society, in which JWs and their children are coached to commit perjury in child custody battles. JWs themselves will be startled by what it says! The book, Refutation of Preparing for Child Custody Cases, exposes these lies and reveals much new material on the controversial lifestyle and history of Jehovah's Witnesses. The new forum for truth about JW lifestyle and how it destroys children is in the courts of our land. Find out what is happening. You will be shocked! $12.95.

  • catlady

    Hey Mary,

    As a friend of Beaker's I concur, many a Borg deserve a good beating in my view

    I think the best scenario would be for the parents to work it out between them but in this situation wonder if it is possible, there is so much emotion with all the dub stuff and not much common sense coming from the ex-wife.

    Beaker, if you can, try to talk to your ex face to face in the next few days and state calmly and clearly what your position is on the children's religious education (and also how you now personally feel about the dubs). You may (& pigs may fly) be able to convince her to stop the negative stuff she says about other religions and 'worldy' pursuits & people to the children and assure her that you will not say stuff about the witnesses. You probably need to also explain to the kids why you are not a witness anymore and keep reinforcing that it is OK to go outside the dub boundaries.

    Also, the kids need to be protected from the ongoing friction between you guys, so if she behaves like this in front of them again say "I don't think this is the best time to discuss this" and call her ASAP out of the kids' earshot.

    I'll shut up now.

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