you just absolutely CANNOT go to work? I am having one of those days. I drove all the way to work and the whole way there was pissed cause I hate the job at the moment so I walked in and said. "something has come up and I can't stay." They asked what was wrong. I said it was personal. They let me leave. I am home and so much happier right now. Think I will spend the day looking at the Help Wanted section of the paper and mailing some resumes. I wish I could work at home. I LOVE being home.
Ya Ever Have One Of Those Days Where...
by copsec 25 Replies latest jw friends
I like my job! Is that uncommon?
Nope, I LOVED the job I had before this one but due to unfortunate circumstance had to leave. I am looking to get back into a police or Sheriff's Dept. cause I love working in that atmosphere. Right now I am working at a lawn irrigation company and quite frankly I could give a rat's ass whether nor not these rich people we do work for have green grass or not! Just not my cup of tea so to speak
Yes Doctor that is uncommon! Unless your a GYN!
Hey Copsec... WE can have a lets pick on all the guys posting party since you get to stay home today!!!!
Its fun to stay home, you can walk around in yer panties getting chip crumbs all over the keyboard and leave VH1 on in the background!
Oh what fun!
Yes Doctor that is uncommon! Unless your a GYN!
LMAO... Well, I was up to my elbows in work at the office yesterday.
I am looking to get back into a police or Sheriff's Dept. cause I love working in that atmosphere.
Does this mean you will be having a pair of handcuffs on your person soon?
Lol Stefanie. Ya know, I have alwas wanted to ask my gynocologist if he still likes his job or if after seeing pu**y for years if he was sick of it??? I wonder what he would day. I mean think about it. They prolly see some really disgusting stuff that would be sure to turn the stomach.
lol But I am sure that no two are alike...
I have a freckle...............
I see where you are coming from. A good BV is enough to burn the nose off of anything within two feet!
Later today I am going to go to the library, and then go shopping. I need some new shirts and some make-up. LOL