Brothers in need of cheer

by Sirius Dogma 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Brothers - If you are down, listen to this song, it will help you remember what is important. You will be more thankful for what you are blessed with.

  • nilfun

    but wouldn't that make some of the brothers even more depressed? lol

  • Mary

    Oh my god.......................LMAO!!!

    I think that all the brothers should start singing this while out in Service. They certainly would generate alot more interest than what's in the mags................

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    good cheer? chuckle, chuckle

    Nothing could be funnier, Paul, than the picture you posted of yourself getting orally serviced by an alien!!

    did you at least pay the alien for services rendered?

    ( those JWs will do anything but the actual "deed" to not get caught)

  • frankiespeakin


    The song is so funny,,it catches you off guard and the way you posted it help keep you off guard,,which made it even funnier.

    BTW, I could just imagine the funny dance routine someone could do with that song.LOL

  • eyegirl

    oh god, that was definitely a great laugh. just what i needed for a friday!

  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Very funny! Caught me off guard as well.

    It reminded me of what I told my "Second X Wife".........

    She wanted to go on a "Second Honeymoon". I told her I would do so under one condition...

    I said "This time, I'm going lock myself in the bathroom and cry about how big it is!"


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Thx, I needed that. At least I got that to hang my hat on

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    nilfun - lol. maybe, but aren't all men enormous in the same way all women are beautiful? hehe. ok maybe not.

    franklin j - lol. no alas, the alien had to go back to her homeworld and yes she was free, but it wasn't meant to be.

    frankiespeaking - dance routine? maybe after a few drinks we could do an ex-jw dance routine at the bay area meetup, bring a camcorder.

  • ohiocowboy

    Very funny!!! Thanks!

    Guess that means I should be the Happiest guy on earth!!!

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