Hi PinTail, welcome to the board.
I have been with my partner since the day he was disfellowshipped (for sleeping with me out of wedlock) & it has been amazing how far he has come in only 3 months. When we first met in February, even though he had real doubts about the Borg & was trying to 'fade', he still said that he couldn't imagine celebrating birthdays or Christmas. In March, after he was df'd he still thought there would be an Armageddon & was guilt-ridden every time we went to bed. By April he was still looking to the Bible to justify things or contradict the dubs. In May he had a birthday party for his kids' & can't wait til his first Christmas.
At the moment it is like he is having his 'worldly' teenage years (he took up smoking - I'm not happy about that!, tried some pot & got the 'adult' channel on pay TV!) after all that repression but is also having a hell of a lot more fun!
Looking at it from the outside, all I can say is it takes time but once your mind starts to expand & you question your previous beliefs it seems to be a very rapid awakening. I think that the hard thing is working out how you cope with all the new knowledge that you gain.
Best of luck & keep coming back to JWD because you get great support here.