CNN/Time poll shows 51% against the war. Why do you pro war people hate america? America: love it or leave it.
To the pro-war america haters
by IronGland 30 Replies latest social current
lol. That 1% makes all the difference in the world don't it? Can't wait to see Yeru before the house select roast committee on un-American coffee grinders.
btw, You are one skanky bitch!
I'll bet it was 50/50 until that 1% began eating giant yellow breakfast peace lillys
Elmer J. Fudd
Hello IronGland,
In my book and my humble opinion it's not an issue of "love it or leave it." I grew up during Vietnam and refused induction in 1969 (being a good little dub). The dumb asses of this country lost the war Vietnam and Korea as they are doing in Iraq. This countries intellegence absolutly sucks, WOMD? I feel ashamed sometimes to be an American. Policies and decisions from our government are powered by money, nothing more, nothing less, not the "Pleadge of Aliegence of the United States of America" or the waving of U.S. flags.
Take your "Patriotism" ( I use that term loosely) and live by it if you want to or live by the reality of events that have unfolded in this Nations history............It flat sucks.
0. Over 50,000 military personel died there
Big Tex
CNN/Time poll shows 51% against the war. Why do you pro war people hate america?
Rhetoric or irony?
You make the call.
Meanwhile a billion Chinese debate whether "Pet Sounds" was really the product of genius, or an over hyped album by a washed up band seen through the rose colored glasses of memory.
The title of this stupid thread clearly shows that you just want to stir trouble.
We are a curious chimp specie that likes to delude itself w false self images.
donkey, I agree.
Iron Glad....Is that avatar who I think it is? Ms. Photo Op?
"CNN/Time poll shows 51% against the war"
ok then, 68% it is.