After 11 years of living in my mom's house, I've moved back to my old house, with the help of some professionals because there where some large cupboards I coul'nt handle myself. However, I had to pack everything myself and that was a lot more then I expected.
My mother was a "collector" (so am I) and I coul'nt throw everything away - with the result that I have packed over 40 boxes.
My own house , ( I kept the rent) was used by Viv (on her own) for more then 8 years and Viv did't move all her stuf out - for her appartment is a small (but a very lovely) one: just a bedroom and a livingroom - with a kitchen-part in the living - so she left a lot of things (and yes, Viv is a collector too) she planned to store (what she left) in the attic (when that is the right name- my dictionaries are still in one of the boxes) but at the moment that stuf is still everywhere in the house - so I am not able to unpack all those boxes and re-organise everything.
I un-packed 19 boxes now, (did'nt found my beauty case which I am in need for very much) can't use my office (I am working at home) at all: to much boxes still to unpack.
But: I am back on the Internet (and the forum) for I got Viv's old laptop (including a 24 open connection - Viv said I am addicted)
I finished cleaning my mom's house - one of my brothers is going to re-paint the walls at the inside - and once the garden is clean: read no weed - the house is ready to sell.
Now I am able to use all my energy on my own house so in a week or so, it must be possible to look arount in a clean, organised home again......