One of the elderly sisters in my moms hall just passed away she was around 95 she was such an active witness all her years I remember from a young boy and she was always talking about how near armaggedon was ,anyway I bumped into her at the hall a few years back and she was around 90 and she was telling me how she can't believe how armagedon did not come yet and that when she was a young girl the org. was telling her it was right around the corner anyway after all that hope she never saw it , it made me sad that she passed and how the years fly by.Anyways I just wanted to share this with everyone.
Something I just want to share.
by oscar 4 Replies latest jw friends
thanks for sharing that......a sad story and one that, has occured/ is occuring/ will occur, many times over again....sigh
I remember as one of my early 'trigger' points out of the org, the thought of so many people never having children (but they wanted to) and not preparing for retirement, because of false expectations inflamed by the org. People in their old age delivering flyers (not that there's anything wrong with that lol) to make ends meet....sheesh. Something didn't seem right about all of it though it would take many years before it and all the other reasons would give me the strength to leave....
Wow!!!! If she meant 10 years old by "young girl", that is 85 years of waiting!!!! That is sad.
This makes me think of life goals and direction. A few years ago, the US Army's motto was "Be All That You Can Be". I was impressed by this motto.
In contrast, what is the WTS motto?? Do they really have one, other than perhaps the yearly text??
It would look like the WTS motto is "Put Your Life On Hold For Us"!!!!
This is in stark contrast to the scripture that says "do all that your hand finds to do with your very might".
Wt followers are not supposed to be living in the present. They are programmed to live as to an imaginary future. Sad.
The thing is I think these old timers really preached with their whole heart and souls but she told me when she was 90 that where else is there to go, I think the borg just drains these poor people of their lifes making it seem that there is nothing in life except the truth I also don't think there will be a group of witnessses as faithful as those old timers it is sad what they sacrifised thier lifes for and also what direction the wts is going.