I preferred the country side too, very long farm lanes which took a half hour each way to walk them. Though the dogs being set on us often freaked me right out, plus I was the 'guide' as a kid for a dear old soul of a brother who was totally blind from near birth.
The elders locally wouldn't let us wear wellington boots even though many of the lanes were rutted and covered in deep cow shite and mud and water, they said it would be too disrespectful, we had to turn up in our best meeting shoes, idiots. You can imagine the farmers reaction, most of them guffawed at our obvious ineptitude, posh suits an all. Nuts.
Town I couldn't stand working, meeting all those people when knocking on doors was the last thing I wanted to be doing, walking long lanes, even with the mud and packs of dogs leaping up was much more preferable, at least you had your field service case if they got too angry and could use it to give them a whallop if not a sound boot if they menacingly snarled around you too much.
Glad its ruddy all over.