That damnable New York Post

by onacruse 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    yb41 53

    Newspapers, by their representatives, seek interviews to get matter for a ?story,? and out of the facts contained in the information furnished a ?story? is made up. No doubt the reporters who gather this information write many facts in their reports, but the man who sits in the swivel chair says: ?That will not do. We must make it sensational, and we will dish it up to suit the sensational fanatics and this will not offend our religious higher-ups.? An apt example is that of the New York Post, which paper sent its reporter to get a ?story? to publish about Jehovah?s witnesses. The reporter was requested to put his questions in writing. That he did, and answers to his questions were written. When the story appeared in the New York Post it was entirely different from the facts furnished. The truth was entirely omitted and the very opposite was published, and then in order to increase prejudice against Jehovah?s witnesses and to appease the wrath of the religious leaders, the New York Post sent its reporter to some outside publisher of books, who knows nothing whatsoever about Jehovah?s witnesses and their work, and from that source gathered some ?dope? for publication about the cost of the publication of such books by the Society. The Post appears to create the impression that the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY is making large sums of money out of the publication of its literature, and to that end the Post publishes what purports to be information obtained from some undisclosed source as to the cost of books and other publications. This is done for the purpose of estimating the ?probable profits? made by the Society. The Post entirely ignores the fact that the printing of books or literature is one thing, and the cost of distribution is entirely a different thing. The

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    Post does not give any consideration to the fact that the entire office force of the Society, in addition to the printers, those who do the work at the headquarters, must all be fed and housed at the expense of the Society; and the further fact of the expense of packing, shipping, trucking and other shipping charges, which must be paid by the Society; and that the expense of distributing these to the field workers, and the work by them, also cost money; and additional thereto is the cost of advertising the Kingdom work by means of radio and other legitimate means; and furthermore the heavy financial burden that must be borne by the Society in defense of Jehovah?s witnesses who are unlawfully assaulted and committed to prison, and otherwise hindered by religious fanatics; the cost of conventions; the traveling expenses of its many servants; and also the millions of books manufactured and shipped to foreign countries for which no return whatsoever in the way of money is received; also the millions of books that are actually given away to sincere persons who are too poor to make contributions. The Society has never declined to furnish anyone because of poverty an opportunity to study the Scriptures concerning the Kingdom, and the use of its literature for that purpose, but has furnished literature to the people who are unable to pay. There are many other things connected with the work of this Society that requires money. But be assured of this: that every penny is made to go as far as possible, and no person makes any pecuniary or money profit out of anything done by the Society.

    Those who can contribute for the books and literature a nominal sum do so; and all contributions are used exclusively to carry out the purpose for which the corporation is organized; that is, preaching the gospel and advertising the Kingdom. The contributions each year received for literature are less than the cost of manufacture and publication. The deficit each year must be made up in some manner. And how is it made up? By free and voluntary contributions made by

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    those faithful Christian people who are interested in the kingdom of God and who by the sweat of their brow earn some money and deny themselves many things that they really need in order that they may contribute to further the interest of Jehovah?s kingdom on earth. For the fiscal year of 1940 the deficit is large, and is now being made up by such free voluntary contributions. In addition to what is above stated, from time to time the Society must send money to foreign countries to aid there in the preaching of the gospel amongst people who are unable to carry on the work themselves.

    The religionists and their representatives who publish newspapers seem to be greatly desirous of having this Society publish its balance sheet. What good will that do to them? They are in no wise interested in this work, but, on the contrary, are opposed and could demand the same only for the purpose of annoying the Society. Why does not the Post and other like publications ask the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to publish their balance sheet and to inform the people what they do with the vast sums of money they collect for saying prayers for the dead, and the money that they get by other means? It is well known that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has property all over the United States and, in fact, all over the world, and the title and control of all this property is at Vatican City, and great sums of money are collected from the people and handed over to the Hierarchy, but no one ever heard of the Hierarchy publishing their balance sheet. The WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY is not interested in what the Hierarchy do with their money. We try to attend to our own affairs which the Lord has given us.

    Let this be definitely understood: that no money whatsoever is received by the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY from any enemy. No political party furnishes one penny, and no one else furnishes

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    a penny save those who are interested in furthering the Kingdom interest. The Catholic Hierarchy, as is well known, in addition to the numerous sums of money collected from the people, use the public funds that are raised by taxation to carry on certain portions of their organization. If the Post is so interested in what is being done, let it demand a publication of the balance sheets of the Hierarchy. The Post is not anxious for the truth, but anxious to do everything possible to hinder the proclamation of the truth.

    Well, golleeee, sergeant, I just happen to have a copy of the August 11, 2002 New York Times, wherein these "just grabbing for a story" reporters provide clear evidence against the WTS and its pedophilia-protection-program.

    New York journalists must all be possessed by demunz.

  • Leolaia
    By free and voluntary contributions made by those faithful Christian people who are interested in the kingdom of God and who by the sweat of their brow earn some money and deny themselves many things that they really need in order that they may contribute to further the interest of Jehovah?s kingdom on earth.

    Scraping the barrel, eh?

  • garybuss

    I remember being denied some things I needed on the plains of South Dakota so the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation could buy new buildings in New York city, like a ride to school in the winter. Am I happy about it? No!

  • Flash
    Post publishes what purports to be information obtained from some undisclosed source as to the cost of books and other publications.

    Gee, When the WTS uses un-named quotes in their WT's its OK, why is it a problem now??

  • Ciara
    But be assured of this: that every penny is made to go as far as possible, and no person makes any pecuniary or money profit out of anything done by the Society.


  • outnfree

    This is the 1941 yearbook you've quoted, isn't it, ona?

    LMAO at the Society defending its refusal to open its books to reporters on the basis that the Roman Catholic Church hasn't done that! Were not the Witnesses always railing about how different they were from false religion? Seems like the WTBTS and the RC Church in this instance were two peas in a pod.

    I especially liked this:

    The Post entirely ignores the fact that the printing of books or literature is one thing, and the cost of distribution is entirely a different thing.
    The Post probably wanted to make a VALID comparison of printing (which I take it they did in their "story") and distribution costs of the Society using free labor versus those costs for a publishing company without free labor.
  • onacruse

    Yes. This 1941 Yearbook quote is so riddled with contradictions and obfuscations; among other things, it's amazing how easily this same quote could be "lifted" and reprinted today (with slight modifications), and "fly high" with most JWs.

    It certainly would have "flown high" with me, not all that long ago.

    Sometimes I just have to shake my head, and say "Oh My."

  • outnfree

    LOL, ona! I think the quoted yearbook is actually way too specific for modern-day dub-speak. The Society these days would never list all the ways they need to spend their money to support the kingdom preaching work! Just a pat on the head and a "don't worry about the details, you can be sure we're putting kingdom interests first when we use your money, Brother and Sister Publisher" from the benevolent Society bigwigs.


  • Roddy

    Gee, When the WTS uses un-named quotes in their WT's its OK, why is it a problem now??

    Excellent point!

  • willyloman

    This is a great "find" and further proof that their own words are the most damning evidence you can use against the WT cult. In addition, you can sure see the origin of the strong anti-press sentiments so prevalent among WTS devotees. Of course, when the papers report on a quick-build project or run one of those I-went-along-in-field-service-with-the-JWs feature stories, it's all good.

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