Mohammad also taught there is no compulsion in religion and to respect
God's natural laws on fair government and democratic principles, similar
to how Christians are taught to respect civil authority and respect for gentiles under natural laws.
Here is a website for Muslims who believe in practicing their faith alongside
Christians and Constitutionalists and not the way Jihadists do who worship Jihad instead of God:
Mohammad taught to receive and respect all sent by God,
to love all people of the Book, Jews Christians and Muslims under God's laws.
So following Christian scripture correctly would make Jews and Muslims
another denomination of Christianity similar to Messianic Jews who receive Christ.
I agree with the poster above who points out the PROBLEM is how Jesus is taught or not taught,
similar to Jews who report they were never taught the full meaning and message of Jesus in the Bible.
As for God not caring, if we care for our neighbors with God's love,
then this love is received and shared.
It is when WE don't care for our neighbors but judge and reject them and cut them off,
then other people do this to us because that's all they see around them. Material love and rewards.
We are called to LOVE and forgive one another
as Jesus Christ loves us, so that is all inclusive and unconditional as God's love.
In time, this love will transform our neighbors who are exposed to it when we embrace each other and sharing the loving grace and healing transformation in Christ Jesus.
God's love grace and salvation is ALWAYS present, but it is up to US to forgive and remove barriers by asking help in Christ, in order to receive and share this love in fellowship with neighbors.
So everyone can see the Kingdom of God among us.