WTF is this s***?!!?
Happy at Bethel. Can't believe what I'm seeing.
by Pubsinger 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@campaign a demonstration that happiness is the truth -
But it's a 'worldly' song . . . -
so what ? so are all the millions of other songs in the world which they play on the radio and people enjoy.
Or did you think JW's do not enjoy music?
Somebody should make the real version to this song. Scenes of judicial committees, seniors struggling because of not saving for retirement, children and parents being shunned by their families, ones being turned down for any living wages for having no college education, turning down all invitations for anything remotely fun for field circus, elderly parents/grandparents being tossed to the side so the younger family can do field circus, etc. -
But a 'worldly' song to promote themselves?!! How bizarre. -
@pubsinger this video was not made to promote anything. It was not made for the general public
Just as fun project for internal use
@insidetheKH: Have you seen some of the songs on that same Pharell album? Look at the opening lyrics to Gush.
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make the pu$$y just gush
Make it, make it, just gush
Make it, just gush
I make the pu$$y just gush
I make it, just gushIf you had that album in Bethel, unless the rules have changed considerably, you would be thrown out. And if the rules have changed, then that's just wrong in itself. It's a double standard of morality.
Yes, I can see how this video is "fun." But don't you see the hypocrisy? Shooting a video like this with a song off the same album as the song above gives tacit approval.
And the WTFness "levels up" yet again...