Recently the local congregation had the visit of the C.O.
The local needs talk he usually gives was replaced by a talk he said will be given to many congregations around the world.
This talk is targeting th very young. Kids are being strongly encouraged not to put off baptism and that children as young as 10 can make an informed decision to get baptized. Parents were told that if their young children want to get baptized, they should not stand in their children's way.
Also, the congregation was urged to simplify their life and to follow the example of the governing body. He said that the FDS is getting rid of property they don't need for pupose of simplifying things and that they are freeing up funds to better promote the good news.
"The governing body feels that we are very close to the end" This expression is being tossed around freely recently . i have personally heard it from C.O. and bethel members here in Canada.
What do you think of this?