In all the years I went door to door as a JW, I never once had a study who went all the way to baptism. In the thirty years I've know my wife -- who has been a JW all this time -- she has never made a single convert from going door to door either. Is this true of others on this forum? How many JWs actually do make converts by going door to door?
Did you ever actually make a JW convert from the door-to-door work?
by True North 34 Replies latest jw friends
Yes I did, as far as I know they are still active and have taken their families along with them. :(
How many converts are made from the door to door work? In Western nations, extremely few.
If you have any doubt, just look at who stands up for baptism at a circuit assembly - mostly Witness kids.
If you see any adults getting baptized, they're usually contacted thru work - or the relative of some Witness.
franklin J
sadly, yes
...and they are still JWs and I am not....." the Lord works in mysterious ways...."
Looking on the bright side (it helps) I have helped many more to get out of it than I helped to come into it. An added bonus was helping the daughter of a family (I helped into it) get out after she had been baptised for about 10 yrs. We are now good friends.
In answer to part b of your question, I think about 4 people in our KH had actually been contacted on the doors, all the others (over 100) had come in through family, friends or some sort of incidental witniessing.
Nope, not one convert for me either!!!,....if I look back on my cong, the % actually sitting in the KH due to door to door work was absolute minimal, just extended families made up the majority...
Several, unfortunately, and some informally including my husband. But most of them are out now. If I still lived in that area and knew where they lived, I would call on their door again with a different message. The ones around here are all out.
Yes...I had one fantastic study....she and her teen daughter were baptized, later her hubby and brother...They all ended up on a circuit assembly part!
Don't know if they are "active" as they live in a different area than me...we have lost contact.
Yup, a few actually. The husband of one couple I studied with became an elder. Fortunately, he and his wife are both out. As for the others, I have no idea where they are anymore.
Never ever ever.
Probably because I rarely went out in service (read= spiritually weak brother).
Also probably because anybody I did catch at home could see right through me not believing what I was saying.... "Hi! We were in your neighborhood today, engaged in a community service, sharing a bible thought with your neighbors, blah blah blah ad nauseum..."
Field service is so fake, forced and insincere. Instead, dubs should go up and say,
"Hi. You should join our religion. Otherwise, you and 6 billion other people are gonna be burned up at Armageddon, which could happen at any time.... So, whatta ya say?"