class distinctions

by teejay 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • RipVanWinkle


    Talking about chickens. I was raised on a farm and among other things we raised hundreds of chickens. And yes, you're right - just a small blemish can cause the "head chicken" to begin to peck and draw blood. Then the whole flock who will keep it up until the chicken is dead or if you are the care taker you take the chicken into a safe haven. We experimented a bit and found the the problem with these chickens was their diet.

    That's right. They had a deficiency and it showed itself in such antisocial behavior. These were also chickens that when they were butchered we found that they had numerous tumors inside. So much so that they were destroyed and never used for food. We found that if the chickens were fed sugar beets that supplied the deficiency and they would not attack others and their tumors disappeared as well.

    Which brings me to the point of saying that perhaps - just perhaps - a deficiency in our diet (what we feed our minds and hearts) could cause us to attack others and in the process also harm ourselves.

    Life is too short to spend it in finding fault with others. And too short to worry about people finding fault with us. Enjoy life and find common ground with those we can and let the others find those who please them.


  • AGuest

    Dearest 'Rip... AMEN... and may you have peace!

    The PROBLEM with this human 'pecking' phenomemon? The same as with chickens... a LACK OF NUTRITION. The CURE? 'Bread', 'wine'... and 'water'.

    John 4:10, 13, 14
    John 6:48-56
    Revelation 22:17
    John 7:37, 38

    Truly, if folks could stop TALKING (typing?)... long enough to EAT and DRINK... they would truly receive a 'healing'... for their 'tumors'.

    Matthew 15:11
    Mark 7:15

    I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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