Anyone in the St Louis area? I'll be there for about two weeks in late May early June.
St Louis!
by Yerusalyim 11 Replies latest jw friends
No...But that is one of my favorite towns...I had to check out the thread just because of the title.
Golden Girl
Well I am..but I will be at my Daughter's house in O'Fallon..(St Charles ) housesitting and animal sitting while they go to florida..
Do you have relatives here? Or business...
Bring cool's warming up here...
Have fun..What part of St Louis will you be in?
Golden Girl..aka..Snoozy..
Do the I-70 slide west to KC. Or, I can meet you in Columbia. It's half way between here and St. Louie.
I was born in Independence...near the Truman house. I was raised in Oak Grove and Blue Springs. I graduated from Blue Springs High School. I worked for D.W Newcomer's Sons for a few years. I now live in Orlando, but I love hear things about KC. Most of my family still lives there. (Olathe, Overland Park, Blue Springs, Odessa, Liberty, Oak Grove)
Supermommy, it's great to meet another local!
Heh, I am sure that not much has changed since you left. Although they finally have 71 highway completed. Oh, and the north is going through its population explosion similar to what JoCo went through a few years back.
Here's my email. If you get back this way, look me up
Golden, I have family in Illinois, but St Louis is close enough I thought I'd ask...wanna meet with me and Robdar...hehehehehe....oh, behave self.
Yeru, I live 20 minutes south of St. Louis and would love to meet ya! PM me if you would like
GUMBY!!! How ya feeling???