For what it's worth, I never did. I just never really believed in '75 or any other time.....Signed, Faithless Minimus
How Many of You Felt That The "End" Would've Been Here By Now???
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
I remember buying my 1988 Sentra, thinking it would be my last car because the end was so close.
I just bought a 2005 Corolla, and even that car will wear out completely before the end comes.
I did.
Actually, when I was younger, I believed 110% that Armageddon would be here "soon". At the time, it fit in perfectly with all the Signs We Were Living in the Last Days. In fact, two friends and myself all quit our senior year in high school so we could all pioneer "before The End" came. While I always found it very disturbing that all the 'worldly' people I knew were apparently all going to die, I really, truely believed that Armageddon would come, the New System would be here, and we'd all live in Paradise.
Well, the 20th century has come and gone and no sign of Armageddon ever showed up even though there were plenty of times when it seemed likely that if it was gonna happen, it should've happened then. After WWI, when 18 million people died from the Spanish Influenza it seemed likely that the Big A was right around the corner. Again after WWII, the Cuban Missle Crisis..............The Cold War..............
I think this is what has disillusioned so many Witnesses. We were absolutely assured that the 20th century would not close without Armageddon coming.......yet it still isn't here. I know alot of Witnesses who may not say it out loud, but they don't believe that they'll live to see The End. Therefore, why kill yourself in Service, meetings, etc.?
I think most dubs who knew dub teachings well enough, believed it was always within the next 1-10 years away.......until the generation change in 1995 took place.
I took the bait each time a suggestion was made as to a time it would arrive. I don't know how deeply we REALLY believed it was true, or whether we psuedo believed it.
Count me among the creat crowd of terrified JW kids who thought he would be picking fruit and petting tigers long before he saw adulthood.
Sassy raises her hand!!
I didn't apply for business classes when I entered High School.. because after all I would still be two years from graduating in 75 when the end was coming..
me too
I "studied" in 1988/89 just before the iron curtain falled and thought: "boh, i just did it right in time"
I thought for sure when I was a teenager that the end was right around the corner,and that we would never see the year 2000 in this system of things.
I firmly believe the big A will come in 1975. Funny, I have a grown daughter who will be 22 in July, wonder why she cant remember events before 1975 which hasn't arrived yet. Bug