I've read that back in the day, Rutherford worked the legal system to take over the WT Society in opposition to Russell's final instructions. Could this sort of thing ever happen again? Another recent thread on this forum spoke of there currently being factions within the organization that take opposing views of many things. Could some law-savvy faction ever engineer matters to take over and oust some or all of the existing power structure? Where exactly does final control over WT assets (property, cash, investments) reside, who and how many have the controlling votes, and how do they get the right to vote? Does anyone know?
Could there ever be another "hostile takeover" of the WT Society?
by True North 10 Replies latest jw friends
little witch
A most interesting question TrueNorth.
I don't think so personally. I think that there is something even better. Autonomous congregations. How that could happen with the members so used to their instructions from the lit would be confusing and scary, but I do see the possibility.
Many members are disallutioned by the society. They could theoretically keep their core beliefs and become autonomous.
in a new york bethel minute
im not sure what autonomous means, but if it means that they operate separately from the society, it'll never ever happen. the only reason why witnesses are witnesses is because they HAVE the society. Jehovah's Witnessesism (TM) hinges on the fact that a faithful and discreet slave gives spiritual food at the proper time. without that, they are nothing. "WHERE WOULD THEY GO?" that's the question posed by every Jdub about people who think they dont need the society. Direction is everything to Jdubs, and if they receive no direction, they have nothing
new york bethel is falling
little witch
Dear Minute,
I do see your point. BUT......
The same was confronted and dealt with in regards to the birth of the protestant faith....The Catholic Church was "mother" and gave down orders to all...A rebellion occured. It is not so terribly different in my mind.
Yes, the members of the watchtower ask, "Where do we go"? But I do think they are seeking answers to that question. I do not believe they are stupid and lossed. I believe there will possibly come about a solution. Too many people are being hurt but they still hang onto the core beliefs. If you doubt what I say, check out e-watchman.com
There will be a splinter(s) off the jw religion. Right or wrong, it is in the making.
got my forty homey?
And dont forget, the society has many lawyers. And where there are lawyers there is trouble! Witness lawyers or not the only difference between a shark and a lawyer is that sharks wait for their victims to be dead before they eat them!
The WTS is a very different culture now from what it was 90 years ago.
The struggle 90 years ago was over membership on the boards of the corporations. But the GB, who are still notionally in charge, have actually voluntarily handed over control of the coporations to other people! The Watchtower is held together now by ideology, not by legalities.
I do think a power struggle is still possible; it happened thirty years ago, with the transition from a monarchical presidency to the GB. But I think that it would be a political/ideological struggle, not a legal one.
True North
I do think a power struggle is still possible; it happened thirty years ago, with the transition from a monarchical presidency to the GB. But I think that it would be a political/ideological struggle, not a legal one.
It seems to me that in the event of a power struggle, whoever would end up in control of the property -- including the Awake, Watchtower, and Jehovah's Witnesses "brand names" -- would be the winner and that control of property is a legal matter.
I also have wondered if actively opposing factions may become an increasing possibility as the "annointed" dwindle in numbers. Perhaps there might develop a split between "great crowd" members of the hierarchy and any "professed annointed" who try to remain in control -- especially if such ones are viewed with suspicion for being younger and more recently professing. What might be the result, I wonder, if "new light" were to be published or otherwise promulgated by some "great crowd" faction suggesting that the 144,000 might be a symbolic number after all?
Another possible source of conflict might be between liberalizing pragmatists -- who view change as necessary for the prosperity if not outright survival of the organization -- and hard-liners. (The current existence of factions of this type was discussed recently in another thread.) In any such contest for control, legal issues and the associated marshalling of votes could well be the deciding factors.
Country Girl
Haven't there been groups that have broken off from the main Society, and become their own groups? It seems like I read something like that..
autonomous means
Form what I hear this many not be th case with all halls but many old ones are autonomous already. The WT tends to act like a lending company. Also in banned lands they are "autonomous".
I think LW means an off grid hall. JWs with out BOE letters, COs and DOs in otherwords since those are the only means the WTS communicates. I think the time is right because many government have figured out you can ban a book company with out banning a religion. I want to desparely want to start an OG hall and DF recovery program. But I doubt anyone will be interested. Becaue once JWs "leave" they tend to want a JW free life style. I may die a lone wolf.
The GB already retired and the power stuggle already happend. People claim the GB is still in control but they are not. They have no votes. At best they can wishper in the Board of Directions ears.
Nathan Natas
The reason Rutherford was able to usurp Russell's stated intention was that Russell didn't follow his own rules about how officers of the WTS were supposed to be installed in office. Rutherford made sure that he had the support of the few who were "real" members of the board, and he tossed the others out.
That can't happen today because the WTS has the rules and procedures pretty well nailed down, and as mentioned already, they have swarms of lawyers whose job is to protect and defend the WTS.
Most JWs don't even realize that they are NOT members of the WTS - if they were, they would be invited to the annual meeting of the corporation.
I don't kknow if there is any public record of who all the real members of the WTS are. I'm sure there's a list somewhere in Bethel... It would be interesting to see just WHO was on the list.
Anyone can start a breakaway group if they are motivated strongly enough and have some followers, but that's not the same as a "hostile takeover," is it?