Man, I'm really looking forward to the new Potter!!!
I mean, I'm reaaallllllly looking forward to it!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But will I be disappointed?
1) No more Richard Harris. That will bug me a lot, as I will struggle to accept the new Dumbledore.
2) No more Chris Columbus. I liked the style a lot in the past movies. Will it still feel like a Harry Potter movie with the new director?
3) The kids have grown up more. Now they're teenagers. Of course, this has to happen and it's part of the developing narrative arc, but still I will miss their youth.
4) Will the story suck? Yeah, I haven't read the book, this is funny because I love the movies so much I don't want to spoil myself, like reading the script before seeing the film. I do read the books after seeing the movie and marvel at how closely the movie follows the book (well, we know why...)
So who's getting hyped up for this movie?? I am, but I fear I will just get disappointed. I know I will still like and buy all the movies they make, but I don't know how they can top CHAMBER OF SECRETS, which imho was such a perfect movie....