The Bible's True "Inspiration"?

by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    The vision producer of choice.


    Have you ever thought of psychodelic threapy?? A little shrooms might help you,,but that is just my opinion. You'll see vision I here some people become clearvoiant,,when they trip Shamans do it all the time and that is not bad.

  • frankiespeakin

    After I left the Borg I got into psychodelics,,I started taking Lsd when I was only 16 and had some good and bad trips(not real bad just downers). And so since I didn't have to worry about being DF'd anymore I figured why not give it a try,,after all when I was 16 they started me thinking more deeper so I was anxious to get some,,I used the net and got some,,I started buying serian rue,,salvia,,shrooms,,morning gloryseeds,,and I founf a place that had lots of San Pedro cactus I would but 16 feet at a time,.

    Any way my first trip was on the cactus,,I ate 20" of it and it made me all nuisius but I would smoke some pot and was ok. Well when I started tripping I realize right away if there is a God He is beyond are ability to communicate with,,, because we would be so very very insignificant,,, that it would not be "nessarry" or "pointless".

  • gumby

    Shelby is as normal acting as you and I. I've talked to her before. She manages a buisness most people couldn't not. To assume someone does drugs because of their peculiar beliefs isn't beinf fair to many here. She is not the first to claim to have communication with god in some manner.

    She is also a kind sweetheart.


  • LittleToe

    Now THAT was a long post!

    Why waste the shrooms, when you don't need 'em?

  • Celtic

    From one who left the jw's and took much lsd, mushrooms and a lot more besides, you really do not need this rubbish in your system, stay far from it all, in the end it will do you absolutely no good whatsoever and in fact used stupidly, recreationally could really mess potentially with your mind. Same with pot smoking, you want anxiety or depression or psychosis, smoke pot, but not for me thanks.

    Shelby, that made very very good sense to me, really really enjoyed reading all that, would like to share conversation with you one day, like Gumby too, I still have some questions and fears too, you care to have a conversation one day please? Thankyou!!

    Kind thoughts be with all of you and warmest best wishes.


  • Celtic

    PS I never realised Jesus loves emoticons so much, maybe thats where I'm going wrong.

    Oops I do hope the Good Lord has a sense of humour.

  • AGuest

    Frankie - Sorry, don't need hallucogenics, etc. My life is too full for any of that; no time, really, to just sit and "veg." A glass of wine on occasion... or a "near beer". But insulin and baby aspirin's 'bout as wild as I get these days.

    My dear, dear brother, LT - The GREATEST of love and peace to you, dear one! Yeah, I know... LONG. Sorry!!!

    Celt, dear one - please check your email...

    GUMBY!!!! - I love you SO much!! I can't help it. Sorry, I can't . I will ask my Lord for a reply and when I get home (I am in the school library), will share it with you, if he wills. K?

    Let's see... did I get everyone? If not, please forgive.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Peace to you!

    The word of my Lord to you is to consider what is written at Genesis 15:1, as well as by the Prophets regarding the times when the Word of God came to them, spoke to them, appeared to them... and remember his words that "no one comes to the Father, except through me."

    He said you would hear... and get the sense of it. He did not say, however, and I did ask... whether you would put faith in the TRUTH of it. He did not say, because that... is between you and him... between your spirit and his... your heart... and his.

    I, SJ, have told it to you just as I have heard it from my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies.

    In love and peace,

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Perry

    Thank you AGuest. I got it.

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