After I left the Borg I got into psychodelics,,I started taking Lsd when I was only 16 and had some good and bad trips(not real bad just downers). And so since I didn't have to worry about being DF'd anymore I figured why not give it a try,,after all when I was 16 they started me thinking more deeper so I was anxious to get some,,I used the net and got some,,I started buying serian rue,,salvia,,shrooms,,morning gloryseeds,,and I founf a place that had lots of San Pedro cactus I would but 16 feet at a time,.
Any way my first trip was on the cactus,,I ate 20" of it and it made me all nuisius but I would smoke some pot and was ok. Well when I started tripping I realize right away if there is a God He is beyond are ability to communicate with,,, because we would be so very very insignificant,,, that it would not be "nessarry" or "pointless".