What a lovely fellow is Gadget

by mouthy 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    I just had a wondeful visit with Paul..... What a nice chap....Smashing motor bike he was riding...

    Isnt it wonderful to know we can meet disagree on our faith & still have upbuilding loving conversations....

    He will post pictures of us.. He wanted me to get on the big- but to old to cock the leg over LOL.....

    Thanks Paul for taking the time to visit (((((((((HUGS))))) & thanks for the lovely gift ....

  • Englishman

    I'm glad you got to meet him, Mouthy.

    A likeable chappy indeed!


  • reboot

    (((Mouthy))) did he give you that hug that I sent down with him ? I'm so happy you had a nice day together.

  • Joyzabel


    I'm glad you met Gadget, but could you understand him? I feel so bad that all I kept saying was "huh"?

    but then again, you are from the UK and understand all those different dialects! lol



  • LittleToe


    He wanted me to get on the big- but to old to cock the leg over LOL


    Freudian slip???

  • mouthy

    No My love was NOT a slip

    When I was in cockney land DAGENHAM we used to say" Cock a leg over

    "Now if I had said a" leg over the cock" That would have been a slip up....

    After spending an afternoon with Paul How could you NOT understand MY english ?Nerve.

    Yes Joy I had to have him repeat it on several occasions. He has a lovely accent.

    He should me his nipple OUCH!!!! VALIS!!!!!You are not alone.... Rayzor called while he was here -told me he needed his bootom slapped -I said I was going to slap his arse.... !!! Oh but I had the nicest hugs & kisses -He is a real cutie....He brought me three hand cared Polar bears LOVELY!!!!( in limestone.) My grand-daughter was here also- she enjoyed his company also.....

  • mouthy

    Little toe after rereading your post I see where I DID goof OH I am so sorry!!!!I didnt mean to say BIG!!!!!

    Oh is my face red

  • mouthy

    Guess I should get off this thing reereading MY post I think I better come back when I can spell.....Oh dear.... What a muck up

  • shotgun

    I hope he didn't show his lovely bunch of coconuts!

  • mouthy

    Shotgun ROTFL>>>>> No I didnt get to see them

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