Have you ever sprain something ?

by Xandria 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    Oh No!! A bad sprain is sometimes worse than a clean break. I had a bad sprain on my right ankle two years ago. I truly thought I'd broken a bone, and perhaps I did break a bone in the top of my foot. It was totally black and blue. I didn't go to the doctor at all about it. My whole foot was twisted to the side as well, in this odd-ball "trip and fall", down our three steps from the kitchen to the garage. Aside from treating the symptoms of pain and swelling, and trying to stay off it as much as possible, there really isn't anything else that I know of that can give you a quick fix. I had to use this old cane when I walked at work, and leaned on carts in stores. Even now, whenever it gets rainy, my ankle hurts.

    Make certain you wear tennis shoes that have the ankle support. That should help you out while you're mending.

    Feel better soon!


  • ohiocowboy

    Last year I sprained my ankle, and broke a bone in my foot. Good idea to stay off of it for a few days as much as possible. Soaking the foot in Epsom salts really helps too, it is very soothing. After a few days, when you start walking on it, take it very easy, so as not to damage it any further. I was actually put in a cast, but took it off like a dummy, as I am sure that it slowed my healing, so be sure to take it easy for awhile. Hope it feels better soon!

  • shotgun

    Atcuyll Yeth, jud duddur day my tongue.

    Hope it heals for Dallas.

  • Stefanie
    Atcuyll Yeth, jud duddur day my tongue.

    Ohh my shotgun! Just what were you doing when that happened???

  • imallgrowedup

    LOL @ Shotgun!

    Atcuyll Yeth, jud duddur day my tongue

    Xandria -

    Right now I have a sprained left wrist, so I know what you are going through! It is no fun! Hope it heals soon!


  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Well, one day, I was running down a country road with a fishing pole in hand along with a "Prince Albert" can of worms. I was heading for Dorman Lake and my expectations were alive and abundant. I hit a chuck hole in the road and it twisted my ankle. After doing a header into the road I realised I couldn't go fishin' and "one legged it" back home.

    I wish you well.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    aahhhh Xandria take good care of it and make sure it heals properly. Everyone always says that sometimes it takes longer for a sprain to heal then a broken bone. This is true in my opinion anyway. I have sprained practically anything that can be sprained. So much so taht people contstantly call me to borrow crutches because they know I'll have them.

    Do everything the doctor tells you to. Be easy with it and MAKE SURE IT HEALS. If you dont you're just setting yourself up for more problems in the future, trust me I know.

    I'm thinking happy thoughts for you. I was on crutches for nearly 3 months. It sucks really bad, but you'll get better muah

  • Xandria

    Thanks everyone, for responding with such wonderful help and suggestions. The humor helped a lot.

    Brummie you will always touch wood, it happens every morning.

    Shotgun~ you sprained your tongue? Warm up before trying to do those lingual acrobats.

    1-and 2- and 3 ...

    I have my foot wrapped up; I iced it last night after soaking it. A strongly worded letter was emailed to the mayor (he was there at the ceremony). I reminded him we have been after them, for well over a year. In regards to the upkeep of the cemeteries. Finally someone got hurt~ me. If he gives me any guff at all, I will let him have it verbally with both barrels. You should not have to worry about falling from a hole or stepping in dog dodo when you are visiting your family plots. I am just glad there was not a pile there where I fell. I would have had a hissy fit right there, if that had happened.

    I hope it heals soon. As it is, Monday I have to go again to address City Council.. which should be interesting considering everything.

    Thank you all.


  • shotgun

    Xandria..I re-read your post...I don't know why I didn't laugh the first time but the second time I was laughing so hard I shed a tear...

    Today in Charlotte, it is known as Meck Dec Day for the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. We attended b/c my husband is a decendant of the signers of this document. Anyyy-way.. we get to the old Settlers Cemetery and there is a hole in the grass. It is not visable due to the grass covering it making it look like solid ground. I twisted the (*(@E@#@! out of my left ankle as I went down. All the cousins ( who were decked out btw in Revolutionary period clothing) came to my aid. It was embarassing to fall flat on my face like that in front of all the media of curse (of Course).

    Seeing as it was a wartime reinactment why didn't you yell...Jesus I've been shot, as you fell to the ground.

    Then instead of looking embarrassed you could have pulled off a perfect performance..oh and if only you had some ketchup in your pocket to splatter all over your leg, then your husband could have quickly amputated it for realism and voila!

    Whenever possible make mistakes like that look like they were intentional. One time I backed into a telephone pole at about 15mph in a parking lot, i think there was only one pole to hit in this huge parking lot and I found it.

    This dufus watched as I backed up gathering speed and nailed that baby demolition derby style, it was exactly in my blindspot. I hit it so hard it broke two engine mounts in my car.

    I felt like a stupid ass for not seeing it but even worse that this ahole stood there and watched me without saying a word, so I rolled down my window and yelled BULLSEYE and then asked him if I should do it again. He quickly walked away nervously and never even smiled, guess he figured I was nuts.

    BTW my tongue is better, I hurt it doing push-ups!

  • Xandria


    You think that was funny.. you should have seen me limping away with the re-enactors. They were playing the drums and piccolo. And I was being assisted.. it look like the march scene you see with Bugs Bunny. All that was missing was the bandage around my head.

    You are right, of course I should have yelled: "MEDIC!" for dramatic flare. LOL. The only thing is the Mayor would have freaked out or thought he was under attack.


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